Explore the 9 countries of the... Central & South America Trade Data


139,000,000+ records

Records include importer and exporter company names, product details, dollar values, HS codes, and much more.

Shipments by Land, Sea, & Air

Every country in our Central & South America Data Bundle comes with shipment data for all modes of transportation, including maritime, air, rail, truck, and pipeline.

9 Countries in South America

9 different countries

Import/export data from Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela.

Speak with a Panjiva account executive about Central & South America Trade Data.

139,000,000+ records

Records include importer and exporter company names, product details, dollar values, HS codes, and much more.

Shipments by Land, Sea, & Air

All countries in the Central & South America Data Bundle include shipment details for all modes of transportation. This can help you develop insights on truck, rail, pipeline, sea and air shipments.

9 different countries

Import/export data from Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela.

Speak with a Panjiva account executive about Central & South America Trade Data.

Detailed Export and Import Records

For every shipment, get company names, dollar value, weight, and other valuable information for your business.

Panama shipments to Europe

360 Degree View of Central & South American Companies

With our 9 country trade data bundle, you can quickly find the trade activities of over 1.4 million companies in Central and South America.

Panama shipments to Europe

Speak with a Panjiva account executive about Central & South America Trade Data.