139,000,000+ records
Records include importer and exporter company names, product details, dollar values, HS codes, and much more.
Shipments by Land, Sea, & Air
Every country in our Central & South America Data Bundle comes with shipment data for all modes of transportation, including maritime, air, rail, truck, and pipeline.

9 different countries
Import/export data from Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela.
Speak with a Panjiva account executive about Central & South America Trade Data.
139,000,000+ records
Records include importer and exporter company names, product details, dollar values, HS codes, and much more.
Shipments by Land, Sea, & Air
All countries in the Central & South America Data Bundle include shipment details for all modes of transportation. This can help you develop insights on truck, rail, pipeline, sea and air shipments.
9 different countries
Import/export data from Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela.
Speak with a Panjiva account executive about Central & South America Trade Data.