Hyundai Merchant Marine

Shipping Company Profile | SCAC: HDMU

Shipments Processed

  • 11,703,832
    Shipments Processed (U.S. Imports)

Shipments by Month

TEUs by Month

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570,331 Suppliers shipping with HDMU



17,434 Vessels used by HDMU

Foreign Ports

362 Foreign Ports used by HDMU

Top HDMU Foreign Ports

  1. Busan
  2. Shanghai
  3. Yantian

U.S. Ports

135 U.S. Ports used by HDMU

Top HDMU U.S. Ports

  1. The Port of Los Angeles
  2. Port of Tacoma
  3. Port of Long Beach


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Shipment Statistics for Hyundai Merchant Marine

  • 11,703,832
    Total shipments
  • 24,104,610 TEUs
    Total volume
  • 2.06 TEUs
    Average shipment size

Shipments by month

Shipment Market Share (%)

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TEUs by month

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TEU Market Share (%)

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Recent Panjiva Research about Hyundai Merchant Marine


Hyundai, digital forwarders top February

U.S. import growth by volume increased to 6.9% year over year in February, overcoming the downward pressure created by the Lunar New Year holiday. Asian routes drove that growth, with imports originating ports other than China up by 17.2% year over year. Chinese ports followed, increasing i... Read more →


HMM rolls out extra service to support Samsung, LG demand surge

Container-line HMM will continue its temporary Busan-to-Los Angeles service for a third month in response to soaring Transpacific shipping demand, including using a larger vessel. That follows a move by Matson to make its second China service permanent and indicates growing confidence in co... Read more →


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