Teekay Tankers Ltd

Shipping Company Profile | SCAC: TKSH

Shipments Processed

  • 20,123
    Shipments Processed (U.S. Imports)

Shipments by Month

TEUs by Month

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1,565 Suppliers shipping with TKSH



515 Vessels used by TKSH

Foreign Ports

277 Foreign Ports used by TKSH

Top TKSH Foreign Ports

  1. High Seas,Gulf Of Mexico
  2. Point Tupper, Cbi
  3. Whiffen Head, Nfld

U.S. Ports

60 U.S. Ports used by TKSH

Top TKSH U.S. Ports

  1. Houston
  2. New York Newark Area
  3. Port of Pascagoula


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Shipment Statistics for Teekay Tankers Ltd

  • 20,123
    Total shipments
  • TEUs
    Total volume
  • 0.0 TEUs
    Average shipment size

Shipments by month

Shipment Market Share (%)

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TEUs by month

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TEU Market Share (%)

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Recent Panjiva Research about Teekay Tankers Ltd


Tesoro Takes Valero’s Volumes as Hurricanes Howl

The prolonged period of growth in U.S. oil imports came to an end in August, with a 5% drop in volumes imported by all modes on a preliminary basis. Panjiva data shows there had been 11 months of growth in the past 12 as at July 31, resulting in a 12% expansion on a year earlier for the 12 ... Read more →


Venezuela Loses to Iraq, Could Lose More of U.S. Oil Business

U.S. crude oil import growth ground to a halt in June, rising just 1% on a year earlier after 24% in May. That was the result of shipments from south America dropping, including Venezuela’s 19% slide. They also lost market share to Iraq, which jumped 73%. EIA data suggests the import slide ... Read more →


Oil Independence Distant as Imports Rise Fastest Since 2010

U.S. trade in crude oil rallied for a seventh month in May with imports climbing 24% on a year earlier, their fastest rate of growth since at least 2010. Exports increased 57% to a new high, though they are still only 15% of total imports, leaving energy independence a long way off. Shipmen... Read more →


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