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1: F — Fabrica De Envases De Vidrio Del Potosi S A De C V
2: Fabrica De Envases De Vidrio SA E Cv — Faiveley Transport Nordic Ab
3: Faiveley Transport North America — Far East Imp Exp
4: Far East Imp Exp — Fashion Linq
5: Fashion Linq B V — Fba Aalishan Exp
6: Fba Aalishan Exp — Federal Mogul Tpr India Ltd
7: Federal Mogul Tpr India Ltd — Fernanda Gabriela Flores Quezada
8: Fernanda Gabriela Moreno Echeverria Comercializadora — Fgw Jenerator Sanayive Ticaret Anonim Sirketi
9: Fgw Jenerator Sanayive Ticaret Anonim Sirketi — Fin Plast International
10: Fin Power Aircon Llc — First Cut Pty Ltd
11: First Cycle Co — Flagship Food Group Llc
12: Flagship Food Group North American Llc — Floko Andrezej I Jolanta Marczyk Sp K
13: Flokontrol End Otom San Tic Koll Sti Guven Basaran — Flsmidth Wadgassen GmbH
14: Flsmith Philippines Inc — Food City
15: Food Club Trading Co Ltd — Forever HK International Ltd
16: Forever Harvest Corporation Ltd — Foshan Yongshengye Imp
17: Foshan Yongshengye Imp — Franco Lederwaren GmbH
18: Franco Limarino Paola Andrea — Fresh Basket Foodstuff Trading
19: Fresh Basket Foodstuff Trading Llc — Frontier Packging Inc
20: Frontier Paper Product Pvt Ltd — Fuji Shoko Indonesia
21: Fuji Shoko Philippines Inc — Furniture Land International Corp
22: Furniture Land International Corp — Fzsonich Inc