2 Nd Mile Coffee Pte., Ltd.
5 H General Trading Fzc
Aaa Partners Inc.
Aa Ethiopia
Aa Ethiopian Coffee Exp.
A And T Denci Trading Plc
Aarti Steel Plc
Aarti Steel Plc.
Ababu Hashim Trading Plc.Gondar Maraki Street F
Abadir Cof Tradig Plc
Abadir Cof Trading Plc
Abana Coffee Plc
Abana Imp. & Exp. . Plc.
Abat Imp. & Exp.
Abat Imp. & Exp. . Plc
Abat Imp. & Exp. . Plc
Abat Imp. & Exp. . Plc Po Box
Abay Enegeda General Exporter
Abay Enegeda General Exporter
Abay Enegeda General Exporter
Abay Enegeda General Exporter
Abay Enegeda General Exporter
Abay Engida
Abays Trading Plc
Abays Trading Plc
Abays Trading Plc
Abays Trading Plc Nano Menabchu S
Abays Trading Plc Oromia Woreda N
Abay Transformers Plc
Abbahawa Trading P.L.C
Abbahawa Trading Pvt., Ltd. Co.
Abbahawa Trading Pvt., Ltd.Co.
Abbahawa Trading Pvt., Ltd.Co.
Abbahawa Trading Pvt. Tel 251 1
Abb Composites Ab
Abb Logistics Center Europe GmbH A
Abb Oy Drives Drives Service
Abb Pte Ltdep Rdc
Abcra Imp. & Exp. . Plc
Abc Trading
Abdo Aba Maccaa Ahimad
Abdulla Bunasser Shipping
Abdulsemed Takele Imp. & Exp. .
Abdu Mohammed Exp.
Abdu Mohammed Exp.
Abdu Mohammed Exp.
Abdu Mohammed Exp.
Abdurezak Takele Exp.
Abdurezak Takele Exporter
Abdurezak Takele Exporter
Abebayehu Negash Coffee Exp.
Abebe Ayele Tefera P.O.Box 54939 Ad
Abebe Mulugeta Kassa Genet Trading
Abebe Tilahun Aseres Woreda 07 Gulele Sub City
Abehodie Trading P.L.C
Abem Industries Plc
Abem Industries Plc Addis Ababa Ethiopia Mr. Beya
Abem Industries Plc Tel.
Abera Degela Small Scale Coffee Pro
Abiy Masresha General Imp. & Exp. .
Abiy Masresha Mengestu Imp. And
Abiy Masresha Mengestu Imp. And
Ab Plast Plc
Ab Powertech Importer
Abraham Abebe General Exp.
Abraham Abebe General Exporter
Abraha Redaei Importer And Exporter
Abreham Abebe Geberal Exporter Addis Ababa Eth
Abreham Abebe General Exporter
Abreham Abebe General Exporter
Abreham Abebe General Exporter
Abreham Abebe General Exporter
Abreham Abebe General General Exp.
Abreham Abebe Mengeste
Abreham Abebe Mengeste
Abreham Abebe Mengeste P.O. Box 201
Abreham Atalel Imp. & Exp.
Abuzar Trading FZE
Abyssinia Flowers Plc
Abyssinia Imp. & Exp. . P.L.C.
Abyssinia Integrated Steel Plc
Abyssinian Flight Services
Ab Zone Trading Plc Addis Ababa Ethiopia.
A.C.A. Freight
Access Bio Inc. Ethiopia
Access Bio Inc. Ethiopia
Access Bio Inc. Ethiopian Branch
Access Bio Inc. Ethiopian Branch
Acl Speciality Clinic
Acl Speciality Clinic
Acos Commercial SpA
Acos Ethiopia P.L.C
Adag International Plc
Adag International Plc
Adag International Plc
Adal Industrial Plc
Adama Development Private Ltd. Co.
Adama Development Private Ltd. Co.
Adama Internationaltrading
Adama International Trading
Adama International Trading
Adama Internationaltrading Abdulhak
Adamu Yibelu Demisie Exp. Gulele Sub City Woreda
Addis Ababa Housing Construction Pr
Addis Ababa Tannery S.C
Addis Ababa Tannery S.C
Addis Alemayehu Tamire Po Box 147
Addis Exporter Ltd.
Addis Exporter Ltd.
Addis Exporter Ltd. Post
Addis Exporter Ltd. Post Box No.2235
Addis Garment Share Co.
Addis Garment Sh.Co
Addis Transformer And Switchgears Plc Haile G S
Addis Transformer And Switchgears Plc Haile G S
Addis Ventures (Pvt) Ltd.
Adem Bedane Oda Imp. & Exp.
Adem Bedane Oda Imp. & Exp. & Exporte W
Adiu Communication Service Plc
Admas Multipurpose Farmers
Adroit Overseas Pte., Ltd.
Adulina Coffee
Adulina Coffee Exporter Plc
Advantech Network And Communication
Advantech Network And Communication Systems Plc
Ae Chemicals Trading Plc
Aef Trading Plc
Aero Modern Imp. & Exp.
Aero Modern Imp. & Exp. .
Aero Modern Trading
Aero Modern Trading & Mfg.
Aes Trading Plc Yeka Sub Citywereda 08
Afleyta Trading P.L.C.
Afoi Foka Abee
Afribridge Trade Exporters Ltd. Siginon Shimanzi
Afribridge Trade Exporters Ltd. Siginon Warehouse
Africa Food Chemical
Africalink Imp. Exp. Plc
African Amazing T And T.L.P.I.C. Gemstone Exp.
African Union Commission
African Union Pan African Veterinary
Africa Plc
Africa Printing Plc
Africa Uniforms Mfg. Of
Afrika Plc Addis Ababa Ethiopia
Afrika Plc Nifas Silk Lafto Sub City Addis Ababa
Afrika Private Ltd. Co.
Afrimex For Multi Actvities
Afri Ventures FZE
Afro Global Business Center Ltd.
Afroline Logistics Service 10. Addis Build Yapi Malzemeleri Fuari
Aftataw Muluneh Exp. Co.
Af Trading Plc
Af Trading Plc. Addis Ababa Ethiopia
Agaz General Trading Plc
Agaz General Trading Plc
Agora Agri AG
Agrifarm Agricultural Inputs And Eq
Agrocorp International Pte., Ltd.
Agro Imp. & Exp.
Agromir Juice Jv Llc
Agropia Trading Plc
Agro Prom International P.L.C.
Agrozan Commodities Dmcc
Agrozan Tarim Urunleri Gida Urunleri Ithalat Ihracat Sanayi Ve Ticaret Ltd. Sirketi
Ahadu Plc
Ahadu Plc
Ahadu Plc
Ahadu Private Ltd. Co.
Ahfa Plc
Ahmad Imp. Exp.
Ahmed Ibrahim For Exp. Imp.
Ahme International Industry Plc Oromiya Region
Ahyan Trading Plc
Aida Mohammed Custom Clearing Agent
Aims Enterprises.
Air France Industries
Air Sea Worldwide S.A.
Ajli International Trading
Ajli Internationaltrading P.L.C
Ajli International Trading P.L.C.
Ajoyib Asr Ltd.
Akanksha International
Akbar Brothers (Pvt)
Akdeniz Fora Gida Sanayi Ve Dis Ticaret Anonim Sirketi
Akmel Nuri Siraj Coffee Development
Akmel Nuri Siraj Coffee Development
Akseker Ethiopia Casing Plc
Akshay Jain (Aev Oil)
Alaichem J.C. Subsidiart Fatra
Al Asr Industries Plc
Albar Trading
Albar Trading
Albar Trading
Albar Trading Plc
Albar Trading Private Linited Co.
Albar Trading Private Ltd. Co.
Albar Trading Private Ltd. Co.
Albar Trading Private Ltd. Co.
Albar Trading Private Ltd. Co.
Albar Tranging Private Ltd. Co.
Alemaw Beqalu Aserse
Alemaw Beqalu Aserse
Alemawu Beqalu Aserse
Alemayehu Alako Small Scale Coffee
Alemayehu Deresse Imp. And
Alemda Textile P.L.C
Al Emir Ltd.
Alemneh Yeshaneh
Alemneh Yeshaneh Wondmagegn
Alemneh Yeshaneh Wondmagegn
Alemuach Trading Plc Woreda 10 Addis Ababa Et
Alemu Nega Haile Imp. And Exportarada Churchil
Alemu Nega Haile Imp. & Exp. .
Alemu Nega Haile Imp. & Exp. .
Alemu Nega Haile Imp. & Exp. .
Alemu Nega Haile Imp. & Exp. .
Alemu Nega Haile Imp. & Exp. .
Alemu Nega Haile Imp. & Exp. . Arada
Alemu Nega Haile Oil Seeds & P
Alemu Zewdie Bitew Exporter
Alemu Zewude Bitewu Exp.
Aleta Land Coffee Plc
Aleta Land Coffee Plc Bole Sub City
Alex Trading
Alfoz P.L.C.
Alfoz Plc Kirkos
Alfoz Pvt., Ltd. Co.
Alfoz Pvt., Ltd. Co. P.O.Box
Alfoz Pvt., Ltd.Co. P.O.Box 13732
Alfoz Pvt., Ltd.Co. P.O.Box 13732
Alian Plc
Alian Plc
Ali Group Srl .
Alimak Hek Ab
Alimpex Imp. Exp.
Al Imp. & Exp. Imp. & Exp.
Al Imp. & Exp. Imp. & Exp.
Al Imp. & Exp. Imp. & Exp.
Al Imp. & Exp. Imp. & Exp. .
Al Imp. & Exp. Imp. & Exp. . Bole Su
Al Imp. & Exp. Imp. & Exp. . P.O.Box
Al Kaenat Int Scrap Llc
Al Kr Nephano Lu
Allengers Medical Systems Ltd.
Alliance Star Business Group Plc
Alliance Star Business Group Plc Addis Ababa Eth
Alliance Star Plc
Alliance Star Plc
Alliance Star Plc
Allied Falcon Ltd.
Allied Falcon Ltd. Dalian Pai Ro
All Mart
All Mart Bole K K Woreda 14
Almajd Trading Plc
Almajd Trading Plc
Almaw Bekalu Asres
Almaw Bekalu Asres
Almaw Bekalu Asres
Almaw Bekalu Asres
Almaw Bekalu Asres Kirkos Subcity
Almawu Bekalu Asres
Almaz Sahille Horo S.S Coffee Exp.
Almaz Zeleke Coffee Exporter
Almeda Textile Factory
Almeda Textile Plc
Almeda Textile Plc P.O.Box 13383 Te
Al Mehdi Industries Plc
Al Mehdi Industries Plc
Al Mehdi Industries Plc
Al Mehdi Industries Plc Office No.
Al Mehdi Match Makers Plc
Al Mehdi Match Makers Plc
Almicom Agricultural Development
Al Mukalla Imp. Exp.
Alnure Imp. & Exp. . Industries
Al Nur Imp. & Exp. . Industries
Alnur Imp. & Exp. Industries Gr
Al Nur Pvt., Ltd. Co.
Alo Coffee Plc
Alo Coffee Plc
Alo Coffee Plc
Alphabet Trading Plc
Alpha Trading Partners Plc
Alpha Trading Partners Plc
Alpha Trading Partners Plc
Alpha Trading Partners Plc.
Alpha Trading Partners Plc.
Alpha Trading Partners P.L.C Kirkos
Alpha Traing Partners P.L.C
Alpinestar SpA
Alpinestars SpA .
Al Raheem International Pvt., Ltd.
Al Raku Trading FZE
Al Rashid Yem Ve Gida San.Tic. Ltd.Sti.
Alrna Agro Processing And
Al Senedi Plc
Al Shafqaat And Co.
Al Showaib Al Dhahabi General
Al Sun Trading Plc
Altehet Industriel Plc
Alt Trading Plc
Alumashu General Tradind Plc
Alumashu General Trading Plc
Alvima Foods Complex Plc
Amaira Textile Mills Plc
Amal Trading Co. (Plc)
Aman Shekur Imp. & Exp. .
Aman Shikur Imp. & Exp. .
Amans Shikur Imp. & Exp. . P.
Amantidis Imp. Exp.
Amanuel Daniel Tadese Cassionpea Gemstone Exp.
Aman Wrake Busera Imp. & Exp. .
Ama Paper And Paper Packaging
Ama Paper And Paper Packaging
Ama Paper & Paper Packaging Mfg. Plc Stad
Amare Chane Tegegne Imp. & Exp. .
Amare Plc
Amare Plc
Amaro Gayo Coffee
Amaro Gayo Coffee
Amar Pp Bag Packing Mfg. Plc
Ambalay Raey Trade And Industrial
Ambalay Raey Trade And Industrial
Ambana Exp.
Ambasel Tradig House Plc P
Ambasel Trading House Plc
Ambassa Enterprises
Ambassa Enterprises Plc.
Ambassa Enterprises Plc. P.O.Box 2
Ambassa Enterprises Plc Post Office
Ambassa Enterprises Plc Tanzania
Ambasse Enterprises Plc.
Ambo Mineral Water Factory
Amdehun General Trading Plc
Amdie Befekadu Berhanu Imp. & Exp.
Amdie Befekadu Imp. & Exp. .
Ame Grant Processing Food Items
Amelework Tesfay Imp. & Exp.
Amenu Berhanu Lebeta
Amenu Berhanu Lebeta
American Ambassador
American Embassy
American Embassy
American Embassy
American Embassy Ethiopia
Amersham Biosciences
Amerson General Trading
Amerson General Trading Plc
Amex Star Agricultural
Amex Star Agricultural Product Exporter
Amg Coffee Exp.
Amhad Imp. Exp.
Amhara Farmers Coffee Producer Coop
Ami Diamonds Llc
Amko Exp.
Amko Exp.
Amlak Exporter
Ampac Packaging Cambodia
Ananta Agri Trading Dmcc
Ananta Agri Trading Dmcc
Anbessa Shoe Factory S.C
Anbessa Shoe Share Co.
Angler Trading Plc
Angler Trading Plc
Aniley Adimasu Adigeh Addis Ababa Ethiopia
Anley Admasu Imp. & Exp. .
Anley Alemu Siyoym
Anmol Products Ethiopia Plc
Anmol Products Ethiopia Plc.
Anteneh Bizuwork Imp. & Exp.
Anteneh Bizuwork Imp. & Exp.
Antex Textile
Antex Textile Plc
Antex Textile Plc Adama Industries
Antex Textile Plcadama Industryial
Antron Logictics Co., Ltd.
Antron Supply Chain Co., Ltd.
Antypas Bros Ltd.
Anwar Abrar Shifa Importer
Aofan Mfg. Plc
A Oil Seeds And Cereal Exp. Plc
A Oil Seeds And Cereal Exp. Plc
A Oil Seeds And Cereal Exp. Plc
A Oil Seeds And Cereals Exp.
A Oil Seeds And Cereals Exporti
A Oil Seeds And Cereals Exporti
A Oil Seeds And Cereals Exp. Plc
A Oil Seeds And Cereals Exp. Plc
Apparelz Companies Plc
Applicant Ethio Agri Ceft Plc
A. Qayyum & Sons
Arasa FZE
Arasco Food B.V.
Araya G/Michael Imp. Exp.
Arbaminch Textile Share Co.
Arba Tiryaki Grain Pulse Industries E
Arbn Llc
Arbn Llc
Ardagh Mp West France SA
Ardent Coffee Exp.
Ardent Coffee Exp.
Ardent Coffee Exp.
Ardent Coffee Exp. Ashenafi Argaw
Ardent Logistics Services And Tradi
Arduneja Trading Plc
Arduneja Trading Plc
Arduneja Trading Plc P.O.Box 40903
Arega Ayenew Wolde Exporter
Arfasa General Trading
Arfasa General Trading House Numb
Arfasa General Trading Kirkos Subci
Arfasa General Trading Plc
Arfasa General Trading Plc Kirkos
Arfasa General Trading Plc Lideta S
Arfasa General Trading Plc Room 207
Arkad Partener Srl
Arken Genaral Trading P.L.C Coffe E
Arken General Trading
Arken General Trading
Arken General Trading Plc
Arken General Trading P.L.C.
Arken General Trading P.L.C Coffee
Arken General Trading P.L.C. Coffee
Arken General Trading P O Box 451
Arken General Trading P O Box 451
Armauer Hansen Research Institute
Armor Mfg. Co.Rp
Armstrong Integrated Ltd.
Aromatic Trade Connection Plc
Artin Ltd.
Artin Ltd.
Arvind Lifestyle Apparel
Arvind Lifestyle Apparel Manufactuting
Arvind Lifestyle Apparel Mfg.
Arvind Lifestyle Apparel Mfg.
Arvind Lifestyle Apparel Mfg.
Arvind Lifestyle Apparel Mfg.
Arvind Lifestyle Apparel Mfg.
Arvind Lifestyle Apparel Mfg.
Arvind Lifestyle Apparel Mfg.
Arvind Lifestyle Apparel Mfg.
Arvind Lifestyle Apparel Mfg.
Arvind Lifestyle Apparel Mfg.
Arvind Lifestyle Apparel Mfg.
Arvind Lifestyle Apparel Mfg.
Arvind Lifestyle Apparel Mfg Plc
Arvind Lifestyle Apparel Mfg. Plc
Arvind Lifestyle Apparemanufactur
Arzootic Garden
Asa Trading Plc
Aschale Addis Getahun Office
Asean Trading International Co., Ltd.
Asefa Belay Akalu Coffee Exporter
Aseptica Llc
Asfaw Maru Small Scale Coffee
Ashcroft Instruments Singapore
Ashenafi Zemichael Gemstones Exp.
Ashenafi Zemichael Gemstones Exp.
Ashenafi Zemichel Gemstone Exp.
Ashiya Trading
Ashiya Trading
Ashiya Trading ( Mekdesse Tadese Banti)
Ashok Carpet India
Ashton Apparel Mfg. Plc
Ashton Apparel Mfg. Plc
Ashton Apparels Mfg. Plc.
Ashura Exp. Trading Plc
Asia Cement Corp.
Asia Smart Co.
Asi Auto Shipment GmbH
Asikana International Trading Plc
Asikana International Trading Plc
Ask International Trading Plc
Asma International Business P.L.C.
Asmamaw Atinafu Imp. & Exp. .
Asmamaw Atnafu Imp. And
Asmamaw Atnafu Imp. & Exp. .
Asmamaw Atnafu Imp. & Exp. ., Addis Ababa
Asmamaw Atnafu Imp. & Exp. . Addis Ababaethi
Asmamaw Atnafu Imp. & Exp. . Bole Sub City Wo
Asmamaw Atnafu Imp. & Exp. ., Bole Subcity Woreda 05
Asmamaw Debebe Importand Exp. Plc
Asm Complex Llc
Asmen Plc
Asmy Traders
Asnake Addissu Negash Exporter
Asnakech Thomas Amaro Gayo Coffee
Asrat H Michael Coffe Exp.
Assefa Girma Tel 0111 55 99 83 F
Assefa Yaara Coffee Exp.
Assefa Yaara Coffee Exporter
Ast Enterprises Inc.
Ast Enterprises Inc.
Aster Afework General Exp.
Aster Afework General Exporter
Aster Afework Negusie
Aster Afwork General Exporter
Aster Afwork General Exporter
Asteryo Exp.
Asteryo Exp.
Asteryo Exp.
Asteryo Exp.
Asteryo Exp.
Asteryo Exp. P.O Box
Ata General Trading Plc
At Eximp Trading
At Eximp Trading Plc
At Exim Trading Plc
Atita Pvt., Ltd. Co.
Atlas Logistics Solution Plc
A.T.L. Trading
Atl Trading Coffee Exp.
Atl Trading Debre Zeit Road Daw
Atl Trading Plc
Atl Trading Plc Debrezeit Road Dawi
A Trading Plc
A. Trading Plc
A. Trading Plc
A. Trading Plc
Authentic Wears International
Autoben Imp. & Exp. .
Auto Climate Control Llc
Avon Industries Plc
Avtooyna Llc Ooo
Awash Wine Share Co.
Awash Wine Share Co. P.O.Box
Awda Pvt., Ltd. Co.
Awel Teha Imp. & Exp. .
Awulegn Business Group Plc Addis Ababa Ethiopia
Awunanor Grain And Pulse Imp. And
Ayetu Agricultural And Trading
Ayinage General Trading Plc
Ayinage Generaltrading P.L.C Coff
Ayinage General Trading P.L.C Coffe
Ayinge General Trading Plc
Ayka Addis Textile & Investment
Ayka Addis Textile Investment
Ayka Addis Textile & Investment Gro
Ayka Addis Textile & Investment Group Plc
Aynalem Exporter
Ayss Precious Stones And Jewelry
Ayss Precious Stones And Jewelry
A Y S S Precious Stones And Jewelry
A Y S S Precious Stones And Jewelry
A Y S S Precious Stones And Jewelry
A Y S S Precious Stones And Jewelry Exporter
A Y S S Precious Stones & Jewelry
A Zeyneba Minimg Plc
Az Imp. & Exp. .
Az Imp. & Exp. .
Az Imp. & Exp. . (Ashenafi Zemichael)
Azmerew Mengistie Zelalem.Region
Azrar Mfg. Of Other Textile
A.Z. Trading P.L.C.
Baba Agro Processing Plc
Baba's Cimpex Exports
Baba Sidi Herbs
Badami Foods
Bafs Trading Plc
Bagersh Agro
Bagersh Agro
Baille Chemicals Manufucturing Pl
Baille Chemicals Mfg. Plc
Balemual Trading Plc.
Balew Kendu Hunegnaw Woreda Hulet Ej Enese East
Balx Surxon Trans Ltd.
Balx Surxon Trans Ltd.
Bambi Uddo Agro Industries Plc
Bangkok Phaisarn (Laos) Clothing
Bani Naim Marble & Stone Co Hebron
Baptist General Conference Missio
Barkuma Doka Trading Plc
Barkume Coffee Exporter P.L.C
Barkume Coffee Exp. P.L.C
Barok Health & Medical Service
Barok Health & Medicalservices Plc
Basant Metal Works
Basby Trading
Bashanfer Trading Plc
Bashan Tarimsal Urunpaz.San.Ve Dis Tic.Anonim Sirketi
Bastran Business P.L.C
Bastran Business P.L.C Tel 2511
Bati Nakliyat Ve Ticaret A.S.
Batu Tannery Pvt., Ltd. Co.
Bat Uzbekistan
Bayeh Mekonin Farm Development
Bazen Agricultural And Industries D
Bdp Asia Pacific Ltd.
Bdp International
Beaeka General Business Plc
Beaeka General Business Plc
Beaeka General Business Plc
Bebeka Coffee Estate Share Co.
Bebeka Coffee Estate Share Co.
Bebeka Coffee Estate Share Co.
Bebeka Coffee Estate Share Co.
Bebeka Coffee Estate Share Co.
Becho Woliso Farmers Cooperative Un
Bechu International Trading Plc
Bechu International Trading P.L.C
Bedele Brewery S.C
Bedele Brewery S.C.
Bedele Brewery S.C Kirkos Sub City
Bedele Brewery S.C. P.O.Box 1285
Bedele Brewery Share Co.
Bedfam International Plc
Bedfam International P.L.C Kolfe Su
Begez Business Group Plc
Beha Land Agro Industry
Beha Land Agro Industy
Beijing Taiputuo Trading Co., Ltd.
Bekele Belaychow Coffee Grower And
Bekele Dukale Coffee Farmer
Bekele Dukale Small Scale Coffee F
Bekele Heto Beriso Bole Wereda 10 1
Bekele Yutute Coffee Farmer
Beken Logistics
Beker General Business P.L.C
Beker General Business Plc Tel
Beketysay Imp. For Indu Agri Construction Plc.
Beketysay Imp. Items For Industry
Bekimar Industries Pic
Beki Trading Plc
Beki Trading Plc Sub City Bole Woreda
Belachew Bacho Exporter
Belachew Jenbere Imp. & Exp. .
Belay Fente Tiruneh Exporter
Belayneh Kindie Imp. Exp.
Belayneh Kindie Mekonnen
Belayneh Nigusie Imp. Exp.
Beless Plc
Beless P.L.C
Beless Pvt. Limted Co.
Beless Pvt., Ltd. Co.
Beliste Sory Afeta Gulele Suc City
Belsty Negessa And His Children T
Belsty Negessa And His Children Trading Plc
Belsty Negessa His Children Trading
Belwood Kz Llp
Bemehon Trading Plc
Bemen Global Trading Plc
Bemen Global Trading Plc
Bemen Global Trading Plc
Bemen Global Trading Plc Addis Ababa Ethiopia
Bemente Moges Melaku
Bench Maji Coffee Farmers
Bench Maji Forest Coffee Producer F
Bench Maji Forest Coffee Producer F
Benecke Coffee GmbH Co Kg
Benecke Coffee GmbH Co.Kg
Bentre Aquaproduct Imp. & Exp. .
Beratu Jebecho Coffee Exporter
Beratu Jebicho Snnp Gedeo Zone We
Beratu Jebicho Snnp Gedeo Zone We
Bereket Rese Shebeshi
Bereket Rese Shibeshi Civet Coffe
Berhan Trading One Member Plc
Berhe Hagos Imp. & Exp.
Berhe Leul Gemstones Exporter
Berihun Abera Admas Exporter
Bero Coffee Singpore Pte., Ltd.
Berthold Vollers GmbH
Bertukan Amanuel Akebom Imp. And
Best International Garment Plc
Best International Garments Plc
Best International Garments Plc.
Best International Garments Plc. 234 8035572376
Best International Garments Plc Marquis Imp. & Exp. Pte., Ltd. 101 Cecil S
Best Way Industrial Plc
Best Way Industries Plc
Best Way Industries Plc
Bestway Wholesale Ltd.
Besys Technologies Plc.
Betigil Moringa Product Mfg. And Exp.
Beti Oenamental Plants Plc
Bezuayehu Shone Coffee Plantation P
Bgi Ethiopia
Bgi Ethiopia Plc
Bgi Ethiopia Plc. Region 14 City
Bgi Ethiopia Plc Woreda Sub City
Bgy Trading Plc
Bhw General Trading L.L.C
Bhw Imp. & Exp. . Benyam Hailu
Biku Trading Plc Addis Ababa Ethiopia On
Bingo Hair Cosmetic Mfg.
Biniyam Belay Precious Stones
Biniyam Teferi Precious Stones Exp.
Binyam Teferi Mengestu Exp. Trade
Binyam Teferi Precious Stone Exp.
Binyam Teferi Preciousstones Exp.
Binyam Teferi Preciousstones Exp.
Bioantiedad S.A.
Biogreen International Trading Ltd.
Bios Trading Plc
Bios Trading Plc
Birdsky Corp.
Biresaw Sinishaw Imp. & Exp.
Birhanu Nigusie Zerihun Exp.
Birhanu Wate Small Scale Coffee
Birhanu Wote Small Scale Coffee Pro
Birlik Kelemework Molla Gem Stone Exporter
Birra Coffee General Trading P.L.C
Birthstone Trading Plc
Birthstone Trading Plc
Biruk Ashine Woldearegawi
Bishaw Alehegn Limeneh Imp. & Exp. . Addis A
Bishaw Alehegn Limeneh Imp. & Exp. . Addis A
Bisso Marine
Bizuayehu Endale Sifir
Bizuwork Hailu Exp.
Bizuwork Hailu Sisay Exp.
Bizuwork Hailu Sisay Exp.
Black Garlic Group Llc
Blaser Trading AG
Blessed International FZE
Blonza General Imp. And
Blonza General Imp. & Exp. . Pl
Blue Grey Minerals Plc
Blue Nile Hotel Plc
Bm Ethiopia Garment And Textile S.C
Bmty Imp. & Exp. . Plc
B.N. Business Agency
Bnt Industries Abd Trading Plc
Bnt Industries And Trading
Bnt Industries And Trading Plc
Bnt Industries And Trading Plc Addi
Bnt Industries And Trading Plc P.O.
Bnt Industries & Trad
Bnt Industries & Trading Plc Kirkos
Bnt Industries & Trading Plc Kirkos
Bnt Industry And Trading Plc
Bodomzor Shifo Farm
Bogale Turik Small Scale Coffee Far
Bogale Turik Small Scale Coffee Pro
Boge Compressed Air Systems GmbH
Boledu Coffee
Boledu Industrial Plc
Boledu Industrial Plc Bole Atlas Ro
Boledu Industries Plc
Boledu Industries Plc
Boledu Industries Plc Bole Atlas
Boledu Industries Plc Bole Sub City
Boledu Industries Plc Kera
Bollore Africa Logistics Ethiopia
Bollore Transport And Logistics Eth
Bollore Transport & Logistics
Bombolex Shipping And Logisticsco. Ltd.
Borebrave Trading Plc
Boresa Terefe Godisa
Boresa Terefe Precious Stones Exporter
Botani General Trading Llc
B Pack SpA
Bp Trinidad & Tobago Llc.
Brands Collection B.V./Van Caem Wholesale
Brands Corporate Inc.
Braskem Idesa Sapi
Bretano Corp.
Bromine Compounds Marketing (2002)
Brook Tsehaye Yohannes Imp. & Exp. R
Brook Yohannes Imp. & Exp. R & Exporter
Brown Coir Exp.
Brundo International Plc
Brundo International Pvt., Ltd.
Bsbd Trading Plc
Bsbd Trading Plc
Bsbd Trading Plc.
B.S International Bombay
Bsm Trading Plc Addis Abeba Ethiopia
B The One Trading Plc
B The One Trading Plcarat Menta Area Adem Buildi
Bty Trading Plc Tewodros Square
Bty Trading Plc Tewodros Square S
Bu A Obsa Gold And Tantalum Mining
Buhler Asia Pte., Ltd.
Bukhara Refinery Llc
Bulehora Trading Plc
Bunaroma Coffee Exporter
Bunaroma Coffee Exporter Wollo Sef
Buno General Trading
Buno General Trading
Buno General Trading Plc
Buno General Trading Plc
Buno General Trading Plc Address
Buriso Amaje Gobele Snnp
Buriso Ameje Small Scale Coffee
Burka Hora Multipurpose
Burka Hora Multipurpose Cooperatives Union Region
Burst Transmission Co., Ltd.
Burul Trading Plc.
Business Bey Co Gida San.Ve Tic. Ltd.Sti.
Business Faith Garment
Bussiness Agrofood Star
Buxara Agro Prom Invest Llc Uzbek
Bwap Exp. Plc
Bwap Exp. Plc P.O.Box 1980 111
Bza Trading Plcaddis Ababa Woreda 04 1559 4 Th
Cabey Plc
Cabey Pvt., Ltd. Co.
Cabey Pvt., Ltd.Co.
Cabey Pvt., Ltd.Co. P.O.Box 18192 Ad
Cafe Imp. Fulfillment Llc
Calzedonia SpA
Camfil Svenska Ab
Canary Marketing
Caneel Bay Hotel
Canvas Tent Mfg.
Capital Concord Enterprises Ltd.
Capital Reef Kenya Ltd.
Careismatic Brands Inc.
Cargill Kenya Ltd.
Carl Hartmann GmbH&Co.Kg Oel Muehlenstr.11 13 28195 Bremen
Carolyn Sarah Turk
Carvico Ethiopia Plc
Castel Winery
Caterpilar Energy Solutions Asia
Caterpillar Energy Solutio
Cavendish Farms
Cdi Cotton Districbutors Inc. Cdi Societe Cotonniere De Dist S.A
Cederroth International Ab
Cehosy Trading Plc
Cehosy Trading Plc
Ceho Tarim Ic Ve Dis Tic Sti
Ceipa Effemex
Ceman Business Plc
Center For The Organization Of Ferula Llc
Central American Trade Co.
Century Garment Ethiopia Plc
Century Garment Plc
Century Garments Plc
Century Garments Plc
Ceres Footwear Trading (Macau) Ltd.
Cesco B V
C. G. F Business Group Plc
C.G.F Business Group Pvt.
Chai Trading Co., Ltd.
Chalachew Yenesew Exp. Imp. And Transport P.
Chalbex Trading Plc
Chalbex Trading Private Ltd.
Chalbex Trading Private Ltd.
Chalbex Trading Private Ltd.
Chalbex Trading Private Ltd.
Chalbex Trading Private Ltd. Co.
Challenge Coffee Traders
Chamu Supplies Ltd.
Chanty Industrial Co., Ltd.
Charming Trading Plc
Cheetah Freight Logistics Plc
Cheffe Hilina Trading Plc
Chekolnet Trading Plc Wordeda 03 Arada Subcity
Cheminova A S
Chemtex Plc
Chercher Oda Bultum Farmer S
Chercher Oda Bultum Farmer S
C H Garments Plc
China America
China Imp. Exp. Bases Development
Choksi Agro Trading
Choksi Agro Trading
Christy Hobart Shoo For Good
Chu Hang : Phillip Commodities Pte., Ltd.
Chweani Imp. & Exp. . Plc
Ciba Vision Batam
Cimmyt Ethiopia
Cimmyt Ethiopia
Classic Packaging P L C Lafto Hanamariam Industry
Cloud 9 General Trading Plc
Cls Logistics Service Plc
Cnbm Interantional Corp.
Cnbm International Corp.
Coba Impact Mfg. Plc
Coffee Farmer Gemedech
Coffee Plantation
Coffee Plantation Development
Coffee Processing And Warehouse Enterprises
Coffein Compagnie Dr.Erich Scheele GmbH & Co.Kg
Co Fresh Forward Plc
Colba Tannery Plc
Colba Tannery Plc
Colba Tannery Plc
Colba Tannery Plc
Colba Tannery Plc
Colba Tannery Plc
Colba Tannery Plc
Colba Tannery P.L.C
Coma Imp. & Exp. . Plc
Coma Imp. Exp. Plc
Concept International
Concept International Ethiopia Pl
Concept International Plc
Condesa (Pty) Ltd.
Cong Ty Co Phan Quoc Te Vinamode
Cong Ty Huu Han Tap Doan Quoc Te Guang Hui
Cong Ty Tnhh Chanty Industrial
Cong Ty Tnhh Massimo Zanetti Beverage Vietnam
Cong Ty Tnhh Quoc Te Thoi Trang Vietnam
Cong Ty Tnhh Shengyang (Vietnam) Textile
Connect East Africa Trading FZE
Consolidaciones Karpa S.A.
Coordinate Trading Plc Arada Kifile Ketma Woreda
Corda Leather And Plastic Products Production Plc
Cosvida Corp.
Cpb Exp. And Importers
Cpb Exporters And Importers
Cpb Exporters And Importers
Cpb Exporters And Importers
Cpb Exporters And Importers
Cpb Exporters And Importersaddis Ababa Ethiopia
Cpb Exporters And Importers P.O.Box
Cpd Mondethiopia
Crown General Trading Fzco
Crown General Trading Fzco Republic Of Djibouti
Crown Packers
Crystal Trading Plc
Cuptronic Ab
Curli AG (Ch)
Customer Trading Name Desalegn Sayed Imp. & Exp.
Cv Angkutan Kemas Indo Mandiri
Cwt Commodities (Antwerp) NV
Cypher Roastery Llc
Daarnhouwer & Co B.V
Dabang International Sociedate Unipessoal.Lda
Dabase Business Group Plc
Dabase Business Group Plc
Dabase Business Group Plc
Dadu Mineral Exp. Plc
Dadu Mineral Exp. Plc
Dadu Mineral Exp. Plc
Dadu Mineral Exp. Plc
Dadu Mineral Exp. Plc
Dadu Mineral Exp. Plc
Dadu Mineral Exp. Plcbole Sub Cit
Daffis A Fita Coffee Farmer
Dafo Fomtec Ab
Dagely Agro Industry Private Ltd. Companynef
Da Giulio S.A.
Dagnachew Abebe Imp. & Exp. .
Dagne Daba Imp. & Exp. .
Dag Trading Plc
Dahyabhai I Patel General Partnersh
Daiken Southland Ltd.
Dairen Chemical Corp.
Dalian Bean King International Trading Co., Ltd.
Dalol Oil S.Co.
Damas General Trading Plc
Damba Trading P.L.C
Dambi Uddo Agro Industries Plc Kir
Dambi Uddo Agroindustry Plc
Dambi Uddo Agro Industry Plc
Dametew Tesfanew Tadesse., Off. No.
Daminarof Imp. & Exp. .
Daminarof Imp. & Exp. . P.O. Bo
Damota Wolayta Farmers Cooperative
Damot Industries And
Damtit Vet Pharma Trading Plc
Danaber Hotion I Flen Ab
Danaher Motion
D And T General Exporter Plc
D And T General Exporter Plc.
Danfoss Llc
Danial Gezachew Belay Oil Seeds And Pulses Exp.
Daniel Desalegn Mengistu Exporter
Daniel Tafera Exp. Trading
D A Packaging Pvt., Ltd. Co.
Darman Trding House Co.
Dasa Trading Plc
Dashen Breweries
Dashen Brewery Plc.
Dashen Brewery Share Co.
Data Soneri General Trading Llc
Dat International Trading Plc
Dat International Trading Plc
Dat International Trading P.L.C
Datong International Ltd.
David Amare Adha Flex Imp. & Exp. .
Davimpex Enerprise Bahirdar Tannery Plc
Davimpex Enerprise Bahirdar Tannery Plc
Davimpex Enerprise Bahirdar Tannery Plc
Davimpex Eneterprise Bahirdar
Davimpex Enterprise Bahir Dar
Davimpex Enterprise Bahirdar Tannery
Davimpex Enterprise Bahirdar Tannery Plc
Davimpex Enterprise Bahirdar Tannery Plc
Dav Imp. & Exp. Enterprise
Dav Imp. & Exp. Enterprise Bahirdar Tanery Plc
Dav Imp. & Exp. Enterprise Bahirdar Tannery Plc
Dawit Amare Addha Flex Imp. & Exp. .
Dawit Eyasu Gemstones And
Dawit Teklu Gemstones Exporter
Daye Bensa Coffee Exporter
Daye Bensa Coffee Exp. Plc
Daye Bensa Coffee Exp. Plc
Daye Bensa Coffee Exp. Plc
Daye Bensa Coffee Exp. Plc
Daye Bensa Coffee Exp. Private Ltd. Co.
Dbl Industries Plc
Dbl Industries Plc
Dbl Industries Plc
Dbl Industries Plc
Dbl Industries Plc
Dbl Industries Plcyeka Sub City We
Dd Agro Produce Imp. & Exp. Trading
Dd Agro Produce Imp. & Exp. Trading
Dd Agro Produce Imp. & Exp. Trading
Dear Year Brothers Mfg.
Debre Berhan Blanket Factory Plc
Debre Birhane Natural Spring Water
Deccan Fine Chemicals (India)
Defence Engineering Corp. Hom
Defer Imp. & Exp. . Of Oil Seeds And Pulses
Degolo Commercial Lc
Degolo Commercial Plc
Degolo Commercial Plc Arada Sub City Wereda 01 Ad
Degolo Commercial Plc Arada Sub City Wereda 01 Ad
Degolo Commercial Private Ltd.
Degolo Commercial Private Ltd. C
Degolo Commerical Plckirkos Sub City Woreda
De Gooijer International B.V.
Dejavu Trading Plc
Dejen Desta Imp. & Exp. .
Dejen Gebremeskel General Exporter
Dejen Gebremeskel General Exporter
Dejen G Meskel General Exporter103 Tsbg Buildin
Dejen G Meskel Imp. & Exp.
Dejen G Meskel Imp. & Exp.
Dello Coffee Exporter
Delma Agri Business Plc.
Deloshaki Gemstone Exp.
Deloshaki Gemstone Exp.
Deloshaki Gem Stone Exp.
Deloshaki Gem Stone Exp.
Deloshaki Gem Stone Exp.
Deloshaki Gem Stone Exp.
Demka Textile And Investmen Plc
Denge Tekstil Urunleri Pazarlama Anonim Sirketi
Denov Savdo Baraka
Derba Flowers Plc
Derbew Gessese Belete
Derby Trade Partners
Dereje Abebe Coffee Cloves (Husk)
Dereje Gidyelew Exp.
Dereje Gidyelew Exporter
Desalegn Biresaw Abebe Oil Seeds An
Desalegn Biresaw Abebe Oil Seeds And Pulses Exporter
Desalegn Biresaw Abebe Oil Seeds And Pulses Exporter
Desalegn Biresaw Abebe Oil Seeds & Pulses Exporter
Desalegn G Michael Trading
Desalegn G/Michael Trading
Desalegn G Michael Trading Dembel
Desalegn Mengistu Gebrekirstos
Desalegn Mengistu G Kirstos Exporte
Desalegn Sayed Imp. & Exp.
Desalegn Sayed Imp. & Exp.
Desalegn Sayed Imp. & Exp. .
Desalegn Sayed Imp. & Exp. .
Desalegn Sayed Imp. & Exp. .
Desalegn Sayed Imp. & Exp. Adama Ethiopia
Desalegn Sayed Imp. & Exp. Addis Ababa Ethiopia
Desalegn Sayed Imp. & Exp. . Office
Desalegn Sayed Whole Sale Adama Ethiopiaon Beh
Desalegn Sayed Whole Sale Grain Trade Exp. And I
Desalgn G
Desa Plants Plc
Des General Trading Plc
Des General Trading Plc
Des General Trading Plc
Des General Trading Plc.
Dessei Mesfin Gesese
Dessei Mesfin Gesese Addis Ababa Ethiopia On Beh
Desta Plc
Desta Plc Gerji Bawa Center
Dg Fulfillment
Dharmesh HK Co., Ltd.
Dh Family Plc
Dh Geda Trade And Industries Plc
Dhirani Foodstuff Co. Llc
Dhl Ethiopian Airlines Logistics
Dhl Ethiopian Airlines Logistics
Dhl Et Logestics Sc
Dhl Isc
Dhl Isc O B.Magppie International
Diamond Enterprise Plc
Diamond Enterprise Plc
Difuwidlife Exp. Plc
Difu Wild Exp.
Dil Commercial Plc
Dil Commercial Plc
Dil Commercial Plc
Dil Commercial Plc
Dil Commercial Plc
Dill Comercial Plc
Dimtu Coffee Industries Plc
Dina Gezahegn Imp. & Exp.
Ding Cyuan International Trade Co., Ltd.
Dipasa Agro Plc
Dipasa Agro Plc P.O. Box 891 125
Dire Industri
Dire Industries
Dire Industries
Dire Industries
Dire Industries
Dire Industries Plc
Dire Industries Plc
Dire Industries Plc
Dire Industries Plc
Dire Industries Plc
Dire Industries Plc
Dire Industries Plc
Dire Industries Plc
Dire Industries Plc P.O.Box.2492
Dire Industries Private Co.
Dire Industries Private Ltd. Co.
Dire Industries Pvt., Ltd.
Dire Industries Pvt. . Ltd.Co.
Dire Industries Pvt., Ltd. Co.
Dire Industries Pvt., Ltd. Co.
Dire Industries Pvt., Ltd.Co.
Dire Industries Pvt., Ltd. Com
Dmi Exim Ltd.
Dnm Textile For Spining
Docomo Oils Plc
Docomo Oils Plc
Dpal Trading Plc
Dr Alia Comprehensive Diagnostic Imaging Service
Drb International Plc
Drb International P.L.C
Dr Trading Plc
Dsm Copolymer Inc. Dba Dsm Elastomers Americas
Dsv Air And Sea A S I101
Dudu Sha Trading Plc
Duduta Trading Plc Addis Ababa Ethiopia
Duemmen Orange The Netherlands B.V.
Dugda Agro Indsutry Plc
Dugda Agro Industry Plc
Dugda Agro Industry P.L.C
Duka Engineering Trading P L C
Dukale Wakayo Dakola Coffee Exporte
Dumerso Industrial Trading Plc Sar
Dumerso Industrial Trading Plc Sar
Dumerso Industries Trading
Dumerso Industries Trading
Dumerso Industries Trading Plc
Dumerso Industries Trading Plc Sout
Dummen Orange The Netherland B.V.
Dun Tai Industrial Ltd.
Durame Plc
Durame Pvt., Ltd. Co.
Dw Coffee Exp. Ort Plc
Dw Coffee Exp. Plc
Dw Coffee Exp. Plc
Dx Industries Plc
Dx Industries Plc
Dx Industriies Plc
Dz General Trading Plc
Eagle Trans Shipping & Logistics Llc
East African Agribusiness Plc
East African Group (Eth) Ltd.
East Cam Tech Corp. Afab Mariveles
Ebrahim Alyu Gemstone Exp.
Ebrahim Alyu Gemstone Exp.
Ebrahim Alyu Gemstone Exp.
Ebrahim Kemal Minerals Exp.
Ebuna Trading
Ebuna Trading Plc.
Echarmed Trading P.L.C
Ecobean Trading Plc
Ecocup Trading Plc
Eco Product Group Llc
Edao International Trading
Edao International Trading
Edao International Trading
Edao International Trading
Edhak Trading Plc
Edmealem Ejigu Imp. & Exp.
Edmealem Ejigu Imp. & Exp. .
Edmealem Ejigu Imp. & Exp. .
Edmealem Ejigu Imp. & Exp. .
Edmealem Ejigu Imp. Exp.
Edmealem Ejigu Imp. Exp.
Edn Ethiopian Coffee Exp. Plc
Eerusalem Alemayehu Teklu Gem Stones Exporter
Effta Foods Abiot Cherinet Imp.
Efico Green Coffee Cocoa
Efl Global Ethiopia
E Foodsafe Plc
Efrata Integrated Agricultural Development
Efrem Mulugeta Coffee Grower And Ex
Efrem Mulugeta Tegegne Coffee Growe
Eglinton Trading Ltd.
Egyption International
Eidhak Trading Plc
Eijo Panya Imp. & Exp. . Kirkos
Eizo Co., Ltd.
Ejigayehu Yirga Imp. & Exp. .
Ejiga Yehu Yirga Imp. & Exp.
Ekt Trade
Ekt Trade And Investment Plc
Ekt Trade And Investment Plc P.O.Bo
Ekt Trade And Investment Plc P.O.Bo
Ekt Trade And Investment Plc P.O.Bo
Ekt Trade & Investment Plc
Ekt Trade & Investment Plc
Ekt Trade & Investment Plc
Elco Power Engineering Plc.
Elena Digrande Farm
Elena Digrande Farm
Elena Digrande Farm Mehoni Tigray E
Elias Alemu Arega Coffee Colves Exp.
Elias Eshetu General Imp. & Exp.
Elias Oljira Immere Green Way Imp.
Elias Tesfaye Eltex Textile And G
Elico Glowing Hide Unit
Eli International Trade
Eliyas Alemu Coffee Colves Exporter
Elli Pvt., Ltd. Co.
Elmilu Trading Plc
Elmu Plc
Elto Coffeeelto Coffee
Ema Construcion And Trading
Ema Construction And Trading Plc.
Ema Construction And Trading Plc.Gulele Sub City
Ema Construction And Trading Plc.Gulele Sub City
Ema Constructions And Trading Plc
Ema Construction Trading
Ema Construction Trading
Ema Construction & Trading Plc
Ema Consturction And Trading Plc.
Emadawi Trading Plc
Emamuz Trading Plc
Embajada De Mexico En Etiopia Shola Axion (Former Jacross Compuond) Bole Kifle
Embaksu Trading Plc
Embaksu Trading Plc
Embassy Of India
Embassy Of Sweden
Embassy Of The Fed Rep Of Germany
Embeale Admas Tegeneaddis Ababa Ethiopia
Emc Computer Systems Fe Ltd.
Emiru Gemechu Dinsa
Emperor Global Goods
Engelbert Strauss GmbH Co Kg
Engsko A S
Enka De Colombia S.A.
Enock Plc
Ensh General
Ensh General Trading Plc
Ensh General Trading Plc
Ensh General Trading Plc
Ensh General Trading Plc
ENSH General Trading Plc
Ensh General Trading Plc P.O.Box 70
Ensh General Trading Plc P.O.Box.70
Ensh General Trading Pvt., Ltd. Co P.O
Ensh Genral Trading Plc
Ephrem Tamrat Imp. Exp. And Plastic Factory
Ephtah Specialty Coffee Exp.
Epic Apparel Plc
E Power Industries Group Imited
Equatorial Business Group Plc
Equatorial Business Group Plc Debrezeit
Equinox Commission Agency And Exp.
Eras Gaint Trading Plc Addis Ababa Ethiopia
Ericsson Ab
Ersade Trading Pvt., Ltd. Co P.O.Box
Esheta Exporter
Eshetu Abebe Gemstone Exp.
E.S.L. Ethiopian Shipping
E.S.L. Ethiopian Shipping & Logisti
Esmael Mohammed Exp.
Essar Agro Products Jagdish Agro Pr
Esteem Food Products Plc K03 05
Estherta Trading Plc
Estifanos Mekasha Imp. & Exp.
Estifanos Mekasha Imp. & Exp. .
Estifanos Mekasha Imp. & Exp. .
Estifanos Mekasha Imp. Exp.
Estifanos Mekasha Imp. Exp.
Estifanos Mekasha Imp. Exp.
Estifanos Mekasha Imp. Exp.
Estifanos Mekasha Imp. Exportf
Estrada Logistics Expert Llc.
Esubalew Nega Belay
Esubalew Nega Belay
Esubalew Nega Belay Imp. & Exp. . Woreda
Esubalew Nega Belay Imp. & Exp. . Woreda
Etabu Trading Plc
Etalem Trading S C
Etalem Trading S. C. Piassa
Etcof Trading Plc
Etcof Trading Plc
Etcof Trading Plc
Etcof Trading Plc
Etcof Trading Plc
Etcomark Trading Plc
E.T. Fetan Transit
Ethal Aluminium Mfg.
Ethicon Llc
Ethihad Airline
Ethio Agri Ceft Plc
Ethio Agri Ceft Plc
Ethio Agri Ceft Plc
Ethio Agri Ceft Plc.P.O.Box 1006
Ethio Dubai Investment Plc
Ethio Dubai Investment Plc
Ethio Gabana Trading Plc
Ethio Gabana Trading Plc
Ethio Gabana Trading Plc
Ethio India Packaging Plc
Ethio Leahter Industrial Pll
Ethio Leather Indus
Ethio Leather Industry
Ethio Leather Industry
Ethio Leather Industry
Ethio Leather Industry
Ethio Leather Industry Plc
Ethio Leather Industry Plc
Ethio Leather Industry Plc
Ethio Leather Industry Plc
Ethio Leather Industry Plc
Ethio Leather Industry Plc
Ethio Leather Industry Plc
Ethio Leather Industry Private Ltd.
Ethio Leather Industry Private Ltd. Co.
Ethio Leather Industry Private Ltd. Co.
Ethio Leather Industry Private Ltd. Elico Addis Aba
Ethio Leather Industry Private Ltd. Elico Addis Aba
Ethio Leather Industry Pvt. Co., Ltd.
Ethio Leather Industry Pvt., Ltd. Co.
Ethio Ni
Ethio Nippon
Ethio Nippon Technical Co.
Ethiopa Tannery S.C
Ethiopia Cuttings
Ethiopia Cuttings.
Ethiopia Electric Power C/O Pave L
Ethiopian Airlines
Ethiopian Airlines
Ethiopian Airlines
Ethiopian Airlines
Ethiopian Airlines
Ethiopian Airlines
Ethiopian Airlines
Ethiopian Airlines
Ethiopian Air Lines
Ethiopian Air Lines
Ethiopian Air Lines
Ethiopian Airlines Addis Ababa
Ethiopian Airlines Bole Internatio
Ethiopian Airlines Bole Internatio
Ethiopian Airlines Enterprise
Ethiopian Airlines Po Box 1755
Ethiopian Airlines Procurement And
Ethiopian Air Lines Stores And
Ethiopian Air Lines Stores And Logi
Ethiopian Commodities Pvt., Ltd. Co.
Ethiopian Grain Trade Enterprise
Ethiopian Grain Trade Enterprise
Ethiopian Mineral Development
Ethiopian Mineral Petroleum And B
Ethiopian Pharmaceuticals Mfg.
Ethiopian Pharmaceuticals Supply Agency (Epsa)
Ethiopian Public Health Institute
Ethiopian Rift Valley Safaris
Ethiopian Rift Valley Safaris
Ethiopian Rift Valley Safaris
Ethiopian Rift Valley Safaris
Ethiopian Rift Valley Safaris P.L.C.
Ethiopian Rift Valley Safaris P.L.C.
Ethiopian Rift Valley Safaris P.L.C.
Ethiopian Shipping And Logistics
Ethiopian Shipping Lines Sc
Ethiopian Shipping & Logistic S E
Ethiopian Trading Business Corp.
Ethiopian Trading Businesses
Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Authority C/O Taxidermy Co Operative Society
Ethiopia Tannery Share Co.
Ethiopina Airlines
Ethiopolymers Plc
Ethio Polymers Plc
Ethiopolymers Plc Maddis Coffee
Ethio Polymers Plc (Maddis Coffee)
Ethio Star Coffee General Trading Private Ltd. Co.
Ethio Sudan Tebib Hospital Plc
Ethio Telecom
Ethopian Airlines
Ethopian Air Lines Po Box
Ets Fexassherptogo
Etur Textile Plc
Euro Cable Plc.
Eurofiel Confeccion S.A.
Euro Seven General Trading Llc
Everest Apparel (Ethiopia) S.C
Evergreen (Asia) International Ltd.
Ever Rite International Ltd.
Everstar Logistics Co., Ltd.
Eviron Trading Plc.
Ewelati Trading P.L.Cgulelele Subcity Woreda
Excel Cargo Plc
Excel Cargo Pvt., Ltd. Co.
Excel Sourcing And Consultancy Plc
Exchange Trading Plc
Expolanka Freight Ltd.
Exp. Trading Commodities
Exxon Mobibil Corp.
Exxon Mobibil Corp.
Eyerusalem Alemayehu Teklu
Eyerusalem Alemayehu Teklu
Eyerusalem Alemayehu Teklu
Eyerusalem Alemayehu Teklu
Eyerusalem Alemayehu Teklu
Eyerusalem Asfaw Imp. & Exp. .
Eyoas Hailu Gebre (Ocean Imp. Exp.)
Eyob Negusse Woldeselassie Exp. Co. Royal
Ezana Tamirat Exportersub City Bole
Ezana Tamirat Muluneh
Ez Lingk Corp.
Fafan Jigjiga Production Cooperative Supplier Of Agriculture Input And
Fahem General Trading Plc
Fahem General Trading Plc
Fahem General Trading Plc Kera Road
Fahem General Trading Plc Po Box 12
Fahem General Tradn Plc
Fair Coffee
Faisal Massoud General Exp.
Falcon Coffees Ltd.
Falcon Forwarding Plc
Falcon Printing Enterprise
Falcon Purchasing Services Ltd.
Fantahun Biadglign Exp.
Fantaye Shoe Mfg. Plc
Fantaye Shoe Mfg. P.L.C
Farida Tannery Plc
Farida Tannery Plc
Farida Tannery Plc
Farmex Freshia Trading Llc
Fashion Source Trading Co., Ltd.
Favini Srl .
Fc Epsilon Development Co.
Fcr S Pte
Fei Europe BV
Fekadu Temesgen Imp. Exp.
Fe Kimtex Llc
Feleke Garment Plc Lebu Industries
Feleke Garment Plc. Nefas Silk Laft
Feleke Garment Plc Po Box 15 New
Felke Garement Plc
Fe Llc Inflow
Fe Llc Serene Health Care
Fe Llc Tna Agro Invest
Fetekam Trading Plc
Fetlework Deltl Gizaw 14508 2000
Fetwi Welday Exporter
Feven Aseged Tafese
F.G.E. Exp. Plc
Ficom Business Plc
Fiff Ningbo
Fikadu Legese Wedajo
Finahe Construction Plc Sub City Kolfe Keraniyo
Firalmi Trading Plc
Firew Abebe Chekol Addis Ababa Ethiopia
Firew Abebe Chekol Exporter
Firew Abebe Chekol Exporter
Fitsum G Medhin Importer And Exporter On Behal
Fitsum Tilahun Coffee Exporter
Flame Asia Resources Pte., Ltd.
Floradale Enterprises Inc.
Florca Westland B.V.
Florensis Abyssinia Farm
Florensis Abyssinia Farm
Flowerama Plc
Fm Coffee Trading
Fms Trading Plc
Fms Trading Plc
Fms Trading Plc
France Embassy
Frehiwot Hailu Gizaw Oil Seeds And Pulses Exp.
Freindship Tannery Plc
Fresh Agro Industry P.L.C
Fresh Spice Foodstuff Trading
Friendhsip Trannery Plc.
Friendship Tannery Plc
Friendship Tannery Plc
Friendship Tannery Plc.
Frigorifico Boran Foods Plc
Frka Trading Plc
Ftf Trading Plc
Fuanlai Textile Ethiopia
Future Paints Plant Llc
Fys Coffee Development Plc
Gale Kemisse Agro Industries Plc.
Gamma SpA
Gammon India Ltd.
G And F Coffee Exporter
G And F Coffee Exporter
G And F Coffee Exp. Plc.
Garan Mfg. Corp
Gardencells Llc
Garden Mocca Plc
Gashaw Tesfaye Oda Imp. & Exp. .
Gate Of The Light Plc
Gawt International Business P.L.C.
G Bijdendijk B V
G Broad Trading Plc
Gbs Corp.
Gd International Trading Plc
Gd International Trading Plc
Gd International Trading Plc
Gd International Trading P.L.C
Gdrs Trading Plc.
Gebanesh Gulufa Small Scale Coffee
Gebreegziabher Mezgebe Imp. & Exp. .
Gebrie Mulu Bogale Imp. & Exp. .
Gebrie Mulu Bogale Imp. & Exp. .
Gedes General Trading Plc
Gedyon Girma Abera Ghion Internatio
Geki Star Trading Plc
Gelgelu Edemi Small Scale Coffee Fa
Gelgelu Edemi Small Scale Coffee Fa
Gelita Sweden Ab
Gellan Tannery Plc
Gellan Tannery Plc
Gems SA
Gemtron Corp.
Genale Agro Industries Plc
Gena Moges International Trading
Gena Trading Plc
Gena Trading Plc
Gena Trading Plc
Gena Trading P.L.C
Gena Trading P.L.C
Gena Trading P.L.C
Gendekore Mfg. Plc
Genene Negash General Exp.
Genene Negash General Exp.
General Commodities
General Group Beverages Plc
Gennale Agro Industry Plcaddis Ababaethiopia
Gennale Agro Industry Plcaddis Ababaethiopia
Genomma Lab International Sab De Cv
George Eftima Papageorgiu
George Shoe Ethiopian Plc
George Shoe Ethiopia Plc
George Shoe Ethiopia Plc.
George Shoe Ethiopia Plc.
Geotraco Plc
Geotraco Pvt., Ltd. Co.
Gerelta Business Plc
Gesh Abay Imp. & Exp. .
Gesha Village Coffee Estate
Geshet Trading Plc
Geshet Trading Plc
Geshet Trading Plc Addis Ababa
Gestamp Tool Hardening Sl
Gesund Specialized Center
Getachew Hailu Gemstone Exp.
Getachew Hailu Gemstone Exp.
Getandes Trading Plc
Getaneh Mnale Tameru Exp.
Getasew Anley Admasu
Getasew Anmaw
Getasew Anmaw Hasabe
Getasew Ayalew Imp. & Exp. .
Getasew Ayalew Imp. & Exp. .
Getasew Ayalew Wasihun
Getmaz General Business Plc
Getnet Tadesse Imp. & Exp. .
Getnet Teshome Yigzaw Exporter Gulele Subcity Be
Getnet Teshome Yigzaw Exporter Gulele Subcity Be
Getu Dabi Elemo Imp. & Exp. .
G Fam Trading Imp. & Exp. . Plc
G Global Gas & Chemical Plc
Ghion Gas Plc
Ghion Industral & Commercial P.L.C.
Ghion Industries & Commercial Plc
Ghty General Trading Plc
Ghty General Trading Plc.
Gibe Agro Industries
Gig Imp. & Exp.
Gig Imp. & Exp.
Ginchi Trading Plc
Ginchi Trading Plc
Ginchi Trading Plc
Ginchi Trading Plc Chruchil Road
Ginchi Trading Plc Chruchil Road
Ginchi Trading Plc Po Box 40285 K
Ginchi Trading Plc Po Box 40285 Raymond America
Ginichi Trading Plc
Ginichi Trading P.L.C
Girma Bitew Belay
Girma Eshetu Beyene Business
Girma Eshetu Coffee Grower And Exp.
Girma Teferi Exporter Bole Subcity
Girum Hospital Plc
Glittering Industries Development
Global Dex Impexs Llc
Global Dex Impexs Llc
Global Express
Global Glove And Safety Mfg.
Global Imp. & Exp. Ltd.
Global Komsco Daewoo Republic Of Uz
Global Textile Infinity Jv Llc
Globecare Trading Plc
Gmm Garment Plc
Gmm Garmet Plc
Gmt Industries
Gmt Industries Plc
Gmt Industries Plc P.O.Box.22167
Golden Africa Exp. P.O.Box 1281
Goldenbean Trading Plc
Golden Best Goods Wholesalers
Golden Imp. & Exp. . Plc Bole Sub City Wored
Golden Plus Co., Ltd.
Golla Bee Products Priavte Ltd.
Golla Bee Products Pvt., Ltd.
Golla Bee Products Pvt., Ltd.
Gomeju Business Group Plc
Gonde Imp. Exp. Enterprise
Gosa Tasew Berkineh Animal Byproduct Exp.
Grace International Llc
Grace International Trading FZE
Granaos Salu Dables L.L.C
Grand Pharm Trade Llc
Grar Farming Plc
Great Ascent Trading Ltd.
Great Fortune Services Pvt., Ltd.
Great White Packers Ltd.
Green Bean Agro Processing Plc
Green Been Agro Processing Plc
Greenbz Investment Plc
Greencarrier Uab
Green Coffee AG
Green Coffee Agro Industries Bole Roa
Green Coffee Agro Industries Plc
Green Face Trading Plc
Green Gold Ethiopia Plc
Green International Logistics
Green International Logistic Servic
Green International Logistic Servic Pobox120672
Green International Logistics S
Green Light General Trading Plc
Green Mertiket
Greennet Recycling & Waste Treatment Ltd.
Gri Accessories (HK) Ltd.
G. S. Exp.
Guangzhou Saichu Foreign Tradi
Guchi Trading
Gugu A Lulessa A Gibe Coffee Farmer
Guji Coffee Exp.
Guji Coffee Exportp.L.C
Guji Coffee Exp. Plc
Guji Coffee Exp. Plc
Guji Coffee Exp. P.L.C.
Guji Coffee Exp. Plc Bole Road
Guji Coffee Exp. P.L.C. P.O.Box 1
Guji Highland Coffee
Guji Highland Coffee
Guji Highland Coffee
Guji Highland Coffee Plant
Guji Highland Coffee Plant
Guji Highland Coffee Plantation Plc
Guji Highlands Coffee Planation Plc
Gujoo Trading Plc
Guna Trading House Plc
Guna Trading House Plc P.O.Box 8031
Guru Global Llc
Gutema Yeshi
Gyt (HK) Intl Development Ltd.Flat Rm A
G.Z.A. Trading Plc
Gz Imp. & Exp. .
Gz Imp. & Exp. . Plc
Habitex Corp.
Habtamu Fekadu Aga
Habtamu Fekadu Aga Coffee Exp.
Habtamu Fekadu Coffee Exp. Kuri Mountain Coffee
Habtamu Fekadu Tollesa Addis Ababa Ethiopia Ma
Habtamu Fekadu Tollesa Tongo Imp.
Habtom Kebede Chimsa Exporter
Habtom Kebede Chimsa Imp. Exp.
Habtom Kebede Chimsa Imp. Exp.
Habtom Kebede Chimsa Imp. & Exp. . Addis Abab
Habtom Kebede Chimsa Imp. Exsport
Haby Hotel Plc
Hadeed Trading Plc
Hadeed Trading Plc
Hadeed Trading Plc
Hadeed Trading Plc Nifas Silk Laf
Hadeed Trading Plc Nifas Silk Laft
Hafde Private Ltd. Co.
H & A Garment Plc
H & A Garment Plc Akaki Kaliti Su
Hagos Hadgu Imp. & Exp. .
Hagos Hadgu Imp. Exp.
Haicof Ltd.
Haicof Ltd. Kirkos Kifle Ketema Wo
Haicof Ltd. Plc
Haicof Ltd. P.O.Box 4854
Haicof Ltd. P.O.Box 4854 Addis Ababa
Haider Abamecha Coffee Exp.
Haider Abamecha Coffee Exp.
Haider Abamecha Coffee Exp.
Haider Abamecha Coffee Exp.
Haider Abamecha Imp. & Exp.
Haile Addisu Fantaye Imp. Exp.
Haile &Alem International Plc
Haile Alem International Plc
Haile And Alem Internatinal Plc
Haile And Alem International Plc
Haileslassie Ambaye Coffee Exporter
Haileslassie Ambaye Industrail Plc
Haileslassie Ambaye Industries Plc
Hailu Demeke Yimer Exp.
Hailu Mulunesh And Friends Garment
Haiylemariam Birhanu Kassa Gemstone Exporter
Haiylemariam Birhanu Kassa Gemstone Exporters
Haiylemariam Birhanu Kassa Gemstone Exporters
Hajuta Engineering Plc.
Hajuta Trading
Hajuta Trading Plc
Hajuta Trading Plc
Hajuta Trading Plc
Hajuta Trading Plc P.O.Box 170221
Hakan Agro Dmcc
Hakan Agro Invest Llc
Hakan Foods Dmcc
Hakan Trading Fzco
Halifax Rack & Screw
Halil Dis Ticaret Ve Pazarlama Ltd.
Halmer Coffee Exp.
Halmer Coffee Exporter
Hambella Flavor Coffee Exp. Plc
Hamburg Coffee Co. Hacofco Mbh
Hamesho Olko Plc
Hamkor Nur Savdo
Hamkor Nur Savdo
Hamkor Nur Savdo Llc
Hamona Trading Plc
Hamus Wonz Imp. & Exp. . Plc
Hamus Wonz Imp. & Exp. . Plc.
Handeka Construction Plc
Hangjinhouqi Yongtaifeng Commerce Co., Ltd.
Harar Brewery Share Co.
Hareg And Tila Business Plc
Harishkumar Jamnadas Exporter
Harishkumar Jamnadas Exporter
Harishkumar Jamnadas Exporter
Harishkumar Jamnadas Exporter
Harishkumar Jamnadas Exporterp.O Bo
Harishkumar Jamnadasp.O Box No. 39 N
Harsu Coffee Exp.
Haru International Corp.
Hassen Ware
Hassen Ware Guji Coffee Supplier
Hava Industrial Plc
Havvo Product Agro Llc
Hawassa University Snfst
Hawaz Yeheyes Coffee Exporter
Hawetu Veterinary Drugs Equpment Importer Coffee
Hayat Jemal Imp. Exp.
Haymanot Demeke Exp.
Haymanot Demeke Yimer Exp.
Haymanot Demeke Yimer Exp. Addis
Haymanot Demeke Yimer Exp. Addis Ababa
Haymanot Demeke Yimer Exp. (Haymanot Demeke Yimer)
Hd Eco Trading Plc
Hd Industrial (HK) Ltd.
Hedaya Fzco 6 Ea G09 Sd
Heineken Breweiries S.C
Heineken Breweiries S.C
Heineken Breweries S.Co
Heineken Breweries Share Co.
Hela Indochine Appaarel Plc
Hela Indochine Apparel Plc
Hela Indochine Apparel Plc
Helen Gebrenigus Coffee Exporter
Heleph Coffee Exp.
Heleph Coffee Exporter
Heleph Coffee Exporter
Heleph Coffee Exporter
Heleph Exp. Of Coffee
Heluyajem Trading Plc
Heluyajem Trading Plc
Heluya Trading Plc
Heluya Trading Plc.
Helyos Imp. & Exp. .
Henok Abebe Imp. & Exp. R And Exporter
Herenim Trading Plc.
Hesa International Plc P.O.Box 2344
Hewan Tefera Zewdi Exp. Trade
H.G. P L C
H.G.P. L.C Salinda
Hidramani Garment Ltd.
Hidramani Garment Plc Kebele Guw
Hidramani Garments Ltd.
Highland Coffee Development Plc
Hilverda De Boer B.V.
Himatsingka Linens
Himma Manufactiring Plc
Hindo S Pte
Hing Shifo>> Llc
Hirbe Gasha Small Scale Coffee Prod
Hirdaramani Garment Plc
Hirdaramani Garment Plc
Hirdaramani Garment Plc.
Hirdaramani Garment Plc.
Hirdaramani Garment Plc. Ethiopia
Hirdaramani International Exp.
Hirdaramani Knit Ethiopia
Hirdarmani Garment Plc
Hirdramani Garments Plc
Hirdramani Garments Plc
Hirut Tiumelissan Kassa Exp.
Hirut Tiumelissan Kassa Exp. Of
Hirut Tiumelissan Kassa Exp. Of Agricultural Pro
Hi Tech Seeds B V
Hitex Marketing
H. Mayler Plc
H. Mayler Plc
H & M Hennes & Mauritz Gbc Ab
H & M Hennes & Mauritz Gbc Ab
H M Hennes Mauritz Gbc Ab
H M Hennes Mauritz Gbc Ab
Hohner Maschinenbau GmbH
Hola Moda S.A
Holex Flower B.V
Homa Multipurpose Cooperative
Homa Multipurpose Farmers
Homecare Textiles
Homeland Organic Coffee Agro Industries
Home Side Trading Plc
Honest Logistics
Honest Logistics
Honest Trade Plc
Honeywell Foodstuff Trading Co Llc
Hongkong Wantong International Trade Co., Ltd.
Hope International Plc Samuel Tef
Horizon Addis Tyre S.C.
Horizon Plantations Plc
Horizon Plantations Plc Midroc Nani
Horra Anderachaa Coffee Plantatio
Horra Anderacha Coffee
Horra Trading
Horra Trading
Horra Trading Nifas
Horra Trading Nifas Silk Lafto Subc
Horra Trading P.O Box 26188 Code
Hosea Trading House Plc
Hova GmbH
H&S Co., Ltd.
Hshary Trading Plc
Hsin Kuo Plastic Industrial Co., Ltd.
Hua Jian International Shoe City
Hua Jian International Shoe City
Huayang Recycled Plastic Mfg.
Huayang Recycled Plastic Mfg.
Humera Trading
Husfam General Trading Plc
Husfam General Trading Plc
Husfam General Trading Plc
Hus Fam General Trading Plc
Husfam General Trading Plc Adama Ethiopia
Husfam General Trading Plcxport
Husien Nuri Adem Imp. & Exp. .
Husien Nuri Adem Imp. & Exp. .
Husien Nuri Imp. & Exp.
Husien Nuri Imp. & Exp. .
Husien Nuri Imp. & Exp. Husien Nuri Adem Imp.
Hussen Ahemed Mohammed Exporter
Hussen Marshallo Imp. & Exp. .
Hyg Imp. & Exp. Plc
Hyg Imp. & Exp. . Pvt.
Hz Coffee Exp.
Ibaby Industry Ltd.
Ibero And Jos Hansen (Eth) Ltd.
Ibrahim Hussien Coffee Exporter
Ibrahim Jeilan Trading
Ibrahim Jeilan Trading
Ibsa International SA
Ics Addis
I. Fischel Packaging And Marketing
Ikhlas Imp. & Exp. . Plc
Ilri Cimmyt
Ilri International Livestock Research Institute
Imco Agro Industries Plc
Imperial Foods General Trading Llc
Imperial Teas (EPZ) Ltd.
Imperial Teas (EPZ) Ltd.
Imperial Trading Plc
Imperial Trading Plc
Imperial Trading Plc
Imperial Trading P.L.C.
Impex Solutions Fzco
Impex Solutions Fzco P.O.Box 6411
Inca Hammock Mfg Exp. Pvt.
Inditex S.A.
Inditex SA
Indo Agroworld Fz Llc
Indochine Appareal Plc
Indochine Appareal Plc
Indochine Apparel Plc
Indochine Apparel Plc
Indochine Apparel Plc
Indochine Apparel Plc
Indochine Apparel Plc
Indochine Apparel Plc
Indochine Apparel Plc
Indochine Apparel Plc
Indochine Apparel Plc
Indochine Apparel Plc
Indochine Apparel Plc
Indochine Apparel Plc
Indochine Apparel Plc
Indochine Apparel Plc
Indochine Apparel Plc
Indochine Apparel Plc
Indochine Apparel Plc
Indochine Apparel Plc
Indochine Apparel Plc 251913262116
Indochine Apparel Plc36 & 37 Hawa
Indochine Apparel Plc Block 9 10
Indochine Apparel Plc Shade 37 Ha
Indochine Apparel Plc Shed 37
Indochine Apparel Plc Shed No 9 10
Indochine Apparels Fitum
Indochine Apparels Hawassa
Indochine Internl Trading Co., Ltd.
Industria De Diseno Textil S.A
Indut Industrial Pvt., Ltd. Co.
Indut Industrial Pvt., Ltd. Co.
Indut Industrial Pvt., Ltd.Co.
Infinity Advanced Technology Solutions Plc Afri
Ingersoll Rand International L
Integrated Services Solutions (Iss)
Interamerican Coffee GmbH
Interamerican Coffee GmbH
Intercab Kablo Sanayi Ve Dis Ticaret Ltd. Sirketi
Interior Mega Max Llc
Interlink Trading Fzc
Intermax Co., Ltd.
Intl Clinical Laborat
Intl Clinical Laborat
Intl Clinical Laboratories
Intl Commodity Exp.
Intl Community School
Intl Livestock Research Institute Ilri
Intl Maize & Wheat Improvement Center (Cimmyt)
Intl Maize & Wheat Improvement Center (Cimmyt)
Ipak Yulli 24 Llc
Ip Ooo Osborn Textile
Ips Coffee
Ips Plc
Iqbal & Saleem
Ironman General Trading Llc
Isabel Jossy Ltd.
Isabella Socks Manutacturing Plc.
Isabella Socks Mfg. Plc
Isabella Socks Mfg. Plc
Isabella Socks Mfg. Plc
Isik Detergent Chemical And Texti
Issachor Agro Input Importer And Distributer P.L.C
Iss Freight Forwarding Ethiopia P
Iss Freight Forwarding Ethiopia P
Iss Freight Forwarding Ethiopia Plc
Izzat Global General Tradi
Izzat Global General Trading Llc.
Izzat Global General Trading L L C
Izzat Global General Trading L L C
Jabi Commercial And Industries Plc
Jabi Commercial And Industry Plc
Jagdish Agro Production Plc
Jagdish Agro Production Plc
Jagrow Inc.
Jagrow Inc.
Jagrow Inc.
Jagrow Incoporated
Jagrow Incoporated
Jalannera Coffee Exp. And Coffee Farm Plc
James Finlay Mombasa Ltd.
Jamie Hooks New Kensington Est
Janamora Trading P.L.C.
Jay Jay Textile
Jay Jay Textile Plc
Jay Jay Textiles Plc
Jay Jay Textiles Plc
Jay Jay Textiles Plc
Jay Jay Textiles Plc
Jay Jay Textiles Plc
Jay Jay Textiles Plc
Jay Jay Textiles Plc
Jay Jay Textiles Plc
Jay Jay Textiles Plc
Jay Jay Textiles Plc
Jay Jay Textiles Plc
Jay Jay Textiles Plc
Jay Jay Textiles Plc
Jay Jay Textiles Plc
J B A Trading Plc
Jemal Seid Adem General Imp. And
Jemal Seid Adem Imp. And Exportadamaethiopia
Jemal Seid Adem Imp. & Exp.
Jemal Seid Adem Imp. & Exp.
Jemal Seid Adem Imp. & Exp.
Jemal Seid Adem Imp. & Exp. .
Jemal Seid Adem Imp. Exp.
Jemal Seid Adem Imp. Exp.
Jemal Seid Adem Imp. & Exp. . Adama
Jemal Seid Adem Imp. & Exp. . Adama
Jemaneh Wolde Boru Exporter
Jemea Trading Plc
Jemea Trading Plc
Jemea Trading Plc
Jemea Trading Plc
Jemea Trading Plc
Jemea Trading Plc
Jemea Trading Plc
Jemea Trading Plc
Jemea Trading Plc Arada Sub City Wo
Jemea Trading Plc Woreda 01 Arada Sub City Add
Jenef General Trading And Industry
Jenef General Trading Industry Plc
Jeroccia Geotechnical Services And Engineering Plc
Jerr Plc
Jerr Plc
Jerr Plc Address: Akaki Kality Sub
Jerr Plc Akaki Kality
Jerr Plc Debrework Tower 12 Th
Jerr Private Ltd. Co.
Jerr Pvt., Ltd. Co.
Jezacs Trading Plc
Jezacs Trading Plc
Jezacs Trading Plc Meskel Flower
Jh.Sf Business Plc
Jianxin Zhang Crust & Fnished Leather
Jigra International Business Plc
Jije Laboglass Pvt., Ltd.
Jil Global Trading FZE
Jim Brother's Coproration
Jim Brother's Corporation
Jimri International Trading F.Z.C
Jiratamo Coffee Plantation Pvt.
Jizzakh Agritrade Jv Llc
J&J Korea Co., Ltd.
J.J.Kothari Co. (Eth) Ltd.
J Knieriem B V
J Knieriem B V
Jovial Trading Plc
Jovial Trading P.L.C P.O.Box 33525
Jp Garment Ethiopia Plc
Jp Textile Ethiopia Plc
Jp Textile Ethiopia Plc
Jp Textile Ethiopia Plc
Jptextiles Ethiopia
Jsc Almalyk Mining And Metallurgical Complex
Jsc Fi Tashkentvino Kombinati
Jsc Romstar
Jsc Uzauto Motors
Jsc Uzauto Motors Powertrain
Jsc Uzsanoatexport
Js Ftc Uzinterimpex
Jsr International Fzc
Juan Alfredo Miranda Ortiz C/O Green International Logistics Services Flc
Jubail Corp General Trading Llc
Jupiter Comtex Pvt., Ltd.
Jupiter Trading Kirkos Sub City
Just Imex Sdn Bhd
Just Imex Sdn Bhd
Just Imex Sdn. Bhd
Jv Berad Agro Llc
Jv Llc Uzchasys
Jv Llc Uzchasys
Jv Orient Technology Llc
Jv Soapco Llc
Kabew Trading Pvt., Ltd. Co.
Kabo Top Coffee Agro Industries
Ka Chun Garment Mfg. One
Kael Exp. Tell 092
Kafa Forest Coffee Farmers
Kafa Forest Coffee Farmers Cooperat
Kafa Forest Coffee Farmers Cooperat
Kahf Mining Plc
Kahkeshan Gardan Int'ltranspot Co.
Kaka Carpets
Kaka Traders
Kaki Plc
Kaki Plc
Kaki Plc.
Kaki Plc P.O.Box 21048 Code 1000
Kaki Private Ltd. Co.
Kaki Private Ltd. Co.
Kaki Private Ltd. Co.
Kaki Pvt., Ltd. Co.
Kaki Pvt., Ltd.Co.Salitemehret
Kaleab Trading Plc
Kaleb Girma Imp. & Exp. .
Kaleb Service Farmers' House Plc
Kalon Resources Ltd.
Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd.
Kalyad Imp. & Exp. . Plc
Kama Resources FZE
Kam Polymers Mfg. Plc
Kanketi Coffee Exp.
Kanketi Coffee Exp.
Kanketi Coffee Exp. House No. 1
Kannoria Africa Textiles Plc
Kanoo Shipping
Kanoria Africa Textile Plc
Kanoria Africa Textile Plc
Kanoria Africa Textiles
Kanoria Africa Textiles Plc
Kanoria Africa Textiles Plc
Kanoria Africa Textiles Plc
Kanya Business Plc
Kare Pharmaceuticals Plc
Kare Pharmaceuticals Plc.
Kasahun Ewnete Alelgni Imp.
Kassa Bell Plc
Kassahun Kefyalew Alaba P.O.Box 21
Kata Muduga Farmer's Cooperative
Kata Muduga Multi Purpose
Kata Muduga Multi Purpose
Kata Muduga Multi Purpose
Kata Muduga Multipurpose F
Kawada Industrial
Kayon Mountain Coffee Farm Plc
Keang Nam Enterpries Ltd.
Kebede Chaka General Exporter
Kebede Lemma Coffee Exp.
Kebede Wako Coffee Farmer
Kebede Wako Small Scale Coffee Farm
Kebena General Trading Plc
Kebena General Trading Plc
Kebena Kossa Plc
Kebir Coffee Trading Plc
Kebir Coffee Trading Plc Arada Subc
Kebire Enterprises Plc
Kebire Enterprises Plc Bole Road
Kebire Enterprises Plc P.O.Box406
Kebir Enterprise Plc
Kechenamba Trading Plc
Kechenamba Trading Plc
Kechenamba Trading Plc
Kechenamba Trading Plc Tel +251 115 58 59 60 Fa
Kedija Ahmed Coffee Exp.
Kedija Ahmed Coffee Exporter
Kedir Jibril Imamu Exp. Oromia
Keffa Coffee
Kegna Engineering Plc
Kegna Engineering Plc
Kegna Engineering Plc
Kegna Engineering Plc
Kegna Engineering Plc
Kegna Engineering Plc
Kegna Engineering Plc.
Kei Industries Engineering
Kei Industries Engineering Consulta
Keko Coffee Exp. Plc
Keko Coffee Exp. P.L.C Yeka K Ket
Kelbesa Kekeba General Trading Imp. & Exp. .
Kelemua Erkalo Exp.
Kemal Abdella Coffee Exporter
Kemal Abdella Internationa
Kemal Abdella International Plc
Kemal Abdella International P.L.C
Kemal Mohamed Ali Exp.
Kemal Mohamed Ali Exp. House
Kemal Mohammad Al Exp.
Kemal Mohammed Ali Exp.
Kemal Mohammed Ali Exp.
Kemdrion Binder Magnete GmbH
Kerchanshe Trading
Kerchanshe Trading Plc
Kerchanshe Trading P.L.C
Kerchanshe Trading P.L.C
Kerchanshe Trading P.L.C
Kerchanshe Trading P.L.C Bayene Bui
Kerchanshe Trading Plc Nifas Silk L
Kerchanshe Trading Plc P.0.Box 1989
Kerchanshe Trading Plc P.O.Box 1989
Kerchanshe Trading Plc South Afri
Kerchanshe Trading P.L.C South Afri
Kerchanshe Trading P.L.C South Afri
Ketim Plc
Ketim Plc P.O.Box
Ketim Plc P.O.Box 22095
Keune Haircosmetics Exp. B.V.
Kewuser Precious Stones Exporter
Kewuser Precious Stones Exporter
Keystone Trading Plc
Kgg Garments Plc
Kgg Garments Plc Hawasa
Khas Trading Co.
Kh Trading P L C
Kh Trading P.L.C.
Kh Trading P.L.C.
Kibru Tesfaye Imp. Exp.
Kibru Tesfaye Imp. Exp.
Kibru Tesfaye Imp. Exp. Kt Building
Kidist Taye Gemstone Experter
Kifle Getnet Oil Seed & Pulses Exp.
Kifle Tsegay Beyene Imp. & Exp.
Kiflu Rade Dessie
Kihedam Trading Plc
Kilitch Estro Biotech Plc
Kilitch Estro Biotech Plc
Kindie Shitaye Bitew
Kinfe Denekew Mekonnen Exp.
Kingdom Group Holdings Ltd.
King Koer Spring Mattress Plc
Kingspan Insulation Llc
Kinjore Brewery Private Ltd.
Kinjore Brewery Pvt., Ltd.
Kirubel Meragiaw Gemstone Exp.
Kisadael Trading Plc
Kkff Bend (Cambodia) Co., Ltd.
Kkgw Trading Plc
Kk Plc
Kk Private Ltd. Co.
Kk Private Ltd. Co.
Kk Private Ltd. Co. Addis Ababa Ethiopia
Kk Pvt., Ltd. Co.
Kk Pvt., Ltd. Co. Chuchi
Kmar Carib Bonaire
K.Mikedem General Imp. A
K Mikedem General Imp. Exp. Ente
K Mikedem General Imp. & Exp. . Enterprise
K Mikedem General Imp. Exp. Enterprise
Km Kumsan V Inc. Sistemleri San Ve Tic A S
Kmm Trading Plc
Kmm Trading Plc Addis Ababa
Kmy Trading Plc
Knit To Finish
Knit To Finish Plc
Knit To Finish Plc
Knit To Finish Plc
Knit To Finish Plc
Knit To Finish P.L.C. W Akaki
Koed General Trading Plc
Kokai Indo Foodstuff Trading Llc
Kombolcha Textile Share Co.
Konga Trading Plc
Koni B.V
Konjit Moges Imp. & Exp.
Koonfeyekun International Business
Korethi General Textile Plc
Koscon Industries S.
Kpr Exp. Plc
Krotaj Tahini Manufactureres Plc
Krotaj Tahini Manufactures Plc
Kumneger Yishak Exporter
Kuru Coffee Development P.
Kuru Ethiopia Coffee Development Pl
Kuru Ethiopia Coffee Development T P.L.C.
Kwee Gee Pte
Kwok Ming Ngan Garment Plc
Kyvas Internationalco. Ltd.
Kyvas International Co., Ltd.
Kyvas International Co., Ltd.
L.A.B International Kenya Ltd.
Lab International (K) Ltd.
Lakew Gemstone Exporter
Lampros Trading Plc
Lampros Trading Plc
Lanchihun Business Plc
Lanchihun Business Plc
Lanchihun Business Plc
Lanchihun Business Plc
Lanchihun Business Plc
Lanchihun Business Plc
Lanchihun Business Plc.
Lanchihun Business Private Ltd. Co.
Lanchihun Bussiness Plc
Lanka Marine Co.
Lata Agri Exp.
Lata Agri Exp.
Laura Trade Industries Plc
Layo Dacha Coffee Exporter Plc
Layo Dacha Coffee Exp. Plc
Layo Taraga Cooperative
Layo Teraga Coffee Producers Coop
Ldc Louis Dreyfus Co.
Leader Win Development Ltd.
Legesse Sherefa Plc
Legesse Sherefa Pvt., Ltd. Co.
Legumes Jv Llc
Leguminosas International SA
Leguminosas International SA
Leli General Trading
Leli Trading Plc
Leli Trading P.L.C.
Leli Trading P.L.C. Coffee Exporter
Leli Trading P.L.C P.O.Box 451 Dir
Lema Edeto And His Children S.C
Lema Edeto And His Children S.C.
Lem Agro Industry
Lem Agro Industry Plc
Lem Keffa Coffee And Spices Agro In
Lem Trading Partners Plc
Lesaffre Ethiopiafood Mfg. Plc
Leza Trading A.A
Lian Ing Trading Co., Ltd.
Lidiya Assefa Yediabi Imp. Exp.
Limmu Coffee
Limmu Coffee Farm
Limmu Coffee Farm Nifas Si
Limmu Coffee Farm Tel 251 118 8
Limmu Kosa Agro Industries P.L.C.
Limmukossa Agro Industries Plc. Kirko
Limu Inara Farmers
Limu Inara Farmers Cooperative Unio
Limu Inara Farmers Multipu
Limu Inara Framerse Multipurpose Co.
Limu Inara Multipurpose Cooperative
Limu Inara Multipurpose Cooprative
Limu Kossa Agro Idustry P.L.C.
Limu Kossa Agro Industries Plc
Linde (Ethiopia) Garment Plc
Linde (Ethiopia) Garment Plc Bloc
Lin Rui Trading Ltd.
List Beisler Corp
List & Beisler GmbH
Llc Bussiness Agro Food
Llc Radiant Silk
Llc Radiks
Llc Uniclear On
Llc Verus Vita Pharm
Llfc Osborn Textile
Llp Belwood Kz
Llp Belwood Kz (Belwood Kz)
Lolite Jewelry And Gemstones Trade
Lonto Garment Plc
Lota Corp.
Lotira International Trading
Louis Dreyfus Co. Suisse SA
Ls Dan International Ltd.
Lucky Global International Ltd.
Luckys Trading Plc
Lucky S Trading Plc
Lucy Coffee Plc
Lucy Ethiopian Organic Coffee
Lucy Garment Industries Plc
Lulo Coffee Exp. Plc
Lulo Exp. Coffee Plc
Lyu Shoutao Factory
Lyu Shoutao Factory Plc
Lyu Shoutao Factory Plc
Lyu Shoutao Factory Plc
M2 K2 Llc
Maccfa Freight Logistics Plc
Maccfa Freight Logistics Plc
Maccfa Freight Logistics Plc. Maccf
Madani Trading
Maersk Vietnam Ob Of
Mahlet Getachew Imp. And
Maji Agro Forestery Plc
Makiz Baraka Llc
Mallima Plc
Mama Fresh Injera Plc
Mamaru Baychekin Mengistu Exp.
Mamaru Baychekin Mengistu Exp.
Mamaru Baychekin Mengistu Exp.
Mamay Mhret Nega
Mambuk Trading And Logistics Plc
Mammon International Corp.
Mamo Kacha P.L.C
Mamo Kacha Plc P.O. Box 8549 Addi
Mamo Kacha Plc P.O. Box 8549 Addi
Mam Trading Pvt., Ltd. Co.
Mam Trading Pvt., Ltd.Co. P.O.Bo
Mamush Kabtimer Mengesha Coffee Exp.
Mandefro Mulaw Exporter
Mandex Corp.
Mandhana Industries Plc
Man Made
Manzena Trading Plc
Maoxin (Ethiopoa) International Shoe
Mapaglove Sdn Bhd
Maquembo S.L
Maraki Agro Trading Plc Addis Ababa Ethiopia Joi
Maranque Plants Plc
Maranque Plants Plc
Maranque Plants Plc
Maranque Plants Plc Addis Ababa P.
Maranqueplants Plc. Arsi Zone
Maranqyeplants Plc
Marathon Global Dmcc
Mar Cof
Mare Reptiles Aquatic Animals
Mare Reptiles Aquatic Animals
Maria Plc
Maria Plc
Maria Plc
Marie Shitahun Imp. & Exp. .
Marine Supplier
Markan Trading Plc
Marshallo Coffee Exporter
Marshallo Coffee Exporter
Martz Trading Pvt., Ltd. Co.
Marubeni Asean Pte., Ltd.
Marvelous Way Gem
Marvelous Way Gem
Marvelous Way Gem Exporter
Marvelous Way Precious Stones
Marvelous Way Precious Stones And
Marvelous Way Precious Stones Jewelry
Marvelous Way Trading
Marvelous Way Trading
Marvelous Way Trading
Marzuk International Pte., Ltd.
Masikana Trading Plc
Mass Corp.
Massida Solutions Plc.
Master Of Pride North Dakota
Mate Matios Sidama Region
Matie Matiwos Lamiso
Matimino Trading Plc
Matimino Trading Plc
Matimino Trading Plc
Matimino Trading Plc
Matimino Trading Plc
Matimino Trading Plc
Matimino Trading Plc
Matimino Trading Plc P.O.Box 10891
Maviga Middle East Trading Dmc
Maviga SA
Mawi Coffee & General Business Plc
Max Export
Max Exp. P.O.Box 6982
Max Mara Srl Capitale Soci
Max Mara Srl Societa
Maxons General Trading L.L.C
Maxwer Middle East Investment L.L.C
Maxwill(Asia) Pte., Ltd.
Mayole Coffee
Mc Agri Alliance
Mc Grath Jean Thomas Jointly And Se
Mcleod Russel Africa Ltd.
Mc Trading Plc
M. C. Trading Plc.
M.C Trading Plc
M.C.Trading Plc
M.D.F Trading Plc
Mdf Trading Plc P.O.Box 120334
Meaza Geberselase
Meaza Geberselase H Michael Exp.
Meaza Geberselase H Michael Exp.
Meaza Gebresilasie Exp. Trading
Meaza Seifu Imp. & Exp.
Mebrat Malede Berhanu Exp.
Mebtom Trading Pvt., Ltd. Co. P.O.Bo
Mechatu Trading S.C
Mecota Trading Plc
Mecota Trading Plc
Medani General Trading Plc
Medchassures SARL
Medchaussures SARL
Medinext General Trading L.L.C
Mediterranean Flavor.
Medmer Gida Ltd. Sti
Medtech Ethiopia Plc
Medtech Ethiopia Plc
Mega Lifesciences Public Co., Ltd.
Mega Step Holdings Ltd.
Megbaru Adamu Tiruneh Exp.
Mehari Redaei Gebre. Importer And
Mehari Redaei Importer And Exp.
Mehari Redaei Importer And Exporter
Mehari Redaei Importer And Exporter
Mehari Redaei Importer And Exporter
Mehari Redaei Importer And Exporter
Mehari Redaei Importer Exporter
Mehari Redei Exporter
Mehari Redei Exporter
Mehari Yohannes General Imp.
Mejane Worassa Coffee Exporter
Mekab Plc
Mekab Plc.
Mekbeb Melke Mulat Imp. & Exp. .
Mekdesse Tadesse
Mekedes Tadesse
Mekogecam Enterprises Bp 1211 Limbe
Mekonnen Alemu Imp. & Exp. .
Mekonnen Amdisa Imp. And Adamaa
Mekonnen Amdisa Imp. And Exporter
Mekonnen Amdisa Imp. & Exp. .
Mekonnen Amdisa Imp. & Exp. .
Mekonnen Amdisa Imp. & Exp. .
Mekonnen Amdisa Imp. & Exp. .
Mekonnen Amdisa Imp. & Exp. .
Mekonnen Amdisa Imp. & Exp. . Adamaa Ethiop
Mekonnen Amdisa Imp. & Exp. . Adamaa Ethiop
Mekonnen Amdisa Imp. & Exp. . Adamaa Ethiop
Mekonnen Amdisa Imp. & Exp. . Adamaa Ethiop
Mekonnen Amdisa Importer & Exporter
Mekonnen Amdisa Oil Seeds & Pu
Melaku Chane Enyewe Exp. Lideta Sub City Buhe P
Melehk Logistics
Melese Menber Birhanu Exp.
Melese Menber Birhanu Exporter
Meles Menber Birhanu Exp. (Meles Menber Birhanu)
Melkalati Trading Plc
Melmet Trading Plc Addis Ababa Ethiopia On Beha
Melse Menber Imp. Exp.
Menabert Real Estate Plc Addis Ababa
Menesibu Business Enterprise Plc
Mengesha Tesfaye Exp. Trade
Mengesha Tesfaye Exp. Trade
Mengesha Tesfaye Exp. Trade Inc.
Mengesha Tesfaye Exp. Trade In Minerals And
Mengesha Tesfaye Gemstone Exporter
Mengesha Tesfaye Gem Stone Exporter
Mengesha Tesfayetesfaye Gemstone Exporter
Mensur Abahika Coffee Exporter
Mensur Aba Hika Oromia Regional S
Mercanta Ltd.
Mercanta Ltd.
Mersha Lemma And His Family Business Plc
Meseret Bynyam Girma Exp.
Meseret Food Exporter
Meseret Mfg. Plc Addis Ababa Ethiopia
Meseret Negewo Exp.
Mesfin Shumet Gem Exp.
Mesfin Shumet Gemstone And Moneral
Mesfin Shumet Gemstone And Moneral
Mesfin Shumet Gemstone Exporter
Mesfin Shumet Gemstone Exporter
Mesfin Tadesse P.L.C
Mesfin Tadesse P.L.C
Messebo Cement Factory Plc
Meta Abo Brewery S.C
Meta Abo Brewery S.C P.O.Box 3351 A
Meta Abo Brewery Sh.Co P.O.Box335
Metad Agricultural Development
Metad Agricultural Development Plc
Metals Valley Minerals Exp. Bole Sub City Wore
Metespa General Business Plc Churchill Avenue
Metina International Pvt., Ltd.
Metsew International Trading
Metworld Dmcc
Met World Dmcc
Meyra Bakliyat Tahil Urun.Gida Ve Tarm.Urun.Ith.Ihr.San.Ve.Tic. Ltd.Sti.
Mezmur Zemichael Exp. & Imp.
Mf International
Mhny Trading Plc
M H Ny Trading Plc
Michael Tesfaye Imp. Exp.
Micropharma Plc
Micro Pharma Private Ltd. Co.
Midaya Ceramic Co. Pvt., Ltd.
Midroc Investment Group
Mieraf Tefera Imp. & Exp. .
Mihiretu Tefera Imp. & Exp.
Mihiretu Tefera Kasa Exp. Kolfe K
Mihirtu Tefera Exp.
Mijane Worassa Hiyu Coffee Exp.
Mijane Worassa Hiyu Kirkos Sub City
Mijane Worassa Hiyu Kirkos Sub City
Mikhir Trading Plc
Mikhir Trading Plc Taas Building
Mikiyas Tadesse Ejabo Plastic Mfg.
Million Birhane Imp. & Exp.
Million Birhane Imp. & Exp. .
Million Birhane Imp. & Exp. .
Million Birhane Imp. & Exp. Addis Ababa Ethiopia
Million Birhane Yimesgen
Million Birhane Yimesgen Sub City Nefas Silk
Minapharma Commercial Agencies
Minda Business Group Plc
Minda Business Group Plc
Minhas Enterprises
Ministry Of National Defence
Ministry Of National Defence
Ministry Of National Defence
Ministry Of. National. Defence .Central. Procureme
Mintu Exp.
Mintu Plast Plastic
Mintu Plast Plastic Raw Material
Mintu Plast Plastic Raw Material Production Plc
Mintu Plast Plastic Raw Materials P
Mintu Plast Plastic Raw Materials P
Miracle Industrila Power Plc.
Mira General Trading Plc
Misty Cove Wines
Mitikie And Family Plc
Mmgs Trading
Mnmm Trading Plc
Mns Mfg. P.L.C
Mochaland Imp. & Exp. Plc
Mode Imp. & Exp. Plc
Mode Imp. & Exp. Pvt. Limted Co.
Mode Imp. & Exp. Pvt., Ltd. Co.
Modex Enterprises Inc.
Modjo Tannery S C
Modjo Tannery S.C
Modjo Tannery S.C
Moges Ayenew Coffee Exp.
Moges Ayenew Coffee Exp.
Moges Ayenew Coffee Exporter (Maco)
Mohammadi Enterprises
Mohammed Ahmed Goshu Exp. Trade In Agricultural Products
Mohammed Ahmed Goshu Imp. Exp.
Mohammed Fentaw Gemstone Exp.
Mohammed Fentaw Gemstone Exp.
Mohammed Fentaw Precious Mineral Exp.
Mohammedi Enterprises
Mohammed Lalo Imp. Exp.
Mohan Plc
Mohan Plc
Molla Gitey Exp. Trade
Molvizadah Sons General
Molvizadah Sons General
Molvizadah Sons General Tradin
Molvizadah Sons General Trading Llc
Molvizadah Sons Pte
Mond Cpd
Montreal Fashion Group S.A.
Moon Bay Foodstuff Trading L.L.C.
Moplaco Trading Co., Ltd.
Moplaco Trading Co., Ltd.
Moplaco Trading Plc
Moplaco Trading Plc Dire Dawa.
Moplaco Trading Plc. Dire Dawa
Mordocofe Pvt., Ltd. Co.
Mordocoffee Plc
Moredocofe Pvt., Ltd. Co.
Moredocofe Sole Enterprise
Moredocofe Sole Enterprise
Mormora Coffee
Mormora Coffee Plantation
Mormora Coffee Plantation Plc
Mount Meru Millers (Z) Ltd.
Move One Packaging Plc
Move One Packaging Plc
Move One Packaging Plcbeside Getu
Moyee Coffee Roasting Plc
M.P Knitwear
Mr Adrew Painter Jointlly And Sever
Msa Oil Seed And Cereals Exp.
Msa Trading Plc
Msa Trading Plc
Msa Trading Plc
Msa Trading Plc
Msa Trading Plc
Msa Trading Plc
Msa Trading Plc
Msa Trading Plc
Msa Trading P L C
Msa Trading P L C
Msa Trading P.L.C
Msa Trading Plc Addis Ababa Ethiopia
Msa Trading Plc Msa
Msa Trading Plc Msa Business Group Bldg
Msa Trading Plc P.O.Box 194 Addis Ababa Ethiopia
Msa Trading Plc Tin Ltd. Dubai Uae.
Msgz Imp. Exp. And Agricultural
M T B Imp. & Exp. . Plc
M.T.B. Imp. & Exp. . P.L.C. Kolfe Keranio
Mtb Imp. & Exp. . P.L.Ckolfe Keranio Sub Cit
Mtdg Trading Plc
M T Seleba Mfg. Plc
Mudunu Trading Plc
Muhammad Hadi Foodstuf Trading Llc
Mulat Garment Plc
Mulat Garment Plc Nefas Silk Laf
Mulat Garment Plc. P.O. Box 101053
Mulatu Mengesha Wabe
Mulege Pvt., Ltd. Co.
Muley Addisu Imp. & Exp. .
Muley Addisu Imp. Exp.
Muley Addisu Imp. Exp.
Muley Addisu Imp. & Exp. . P.O.Box 27519
Mullege Coffee Exporter Plc
Mullege Coffee Exporter Plc
Mullege Plc
Mullege P.L.C
Mullege Plc P.O.Box
Mullege Pvt., Ltd. Co.
Mullege Pvt., Ltd.Co.
Mullege Pvt., Ltd. Co.P.O. B
Mullege Pvt., Ltd. Co P.O.Box
Mullege Pvt., Ltd. Co P.O.Box 12791
Multicel Pigmentos Industria E Comercio
Multilines Global Forwarding Plc
Multi Lite GmbH
Multy Agro Ood
Mulualem Anemaw And Sewenet Imp.
Mulualem Anemaw And Sewenet Imp.
Mulugeta And Family Plc
Mulugeta Mekonnen Exp. Po Box 1
Mulugeta Tsige Coffee Exp.
Muluken Desta Asnakew Africa Avenue Lidya Buildi
Muluneh Kaka Coffee Exporter
Mulusew Yilak Jemberie
Munir Ali Hassen Imp. & Exp. .
Munir Ali Hassen Imp. Exp. And Commission Agen
Musaabalulesa Abagibe
Musa Abalulesa Coffee Exporter
Musa Abalulessa Smallholder Coffee
Mustafa A Lulessa A Gibe Coffee Far
Mustefa Abasedi Coffee Farmer
Muzein His Children Plc
Muzien And His Children Plc
Muzien And His Children Plc
Muzien His Children P.L.C.
Myers Tire Supply Internationa
Nabas Coffee Exp.
Nachi Tekneka
Nachural Trading Plc
Naefe Lelifetu Oromya Business P.L.C.
Nafisife International Business P
Naikavision Trading Plc
Naile Trading Plc
Naile Trading Plc
Namangan Logistik Trans Lls
Name Coba Impact Manufactoring Pl
Nampak Bevan A Division Of Nampak
Nape Imp. & Exp. Trading Plc
Nape Imp. & Exp. Trading Plc
Nardos Coffee Exp.
Nardos Coffee Exp. (Aklilu Kassa)
Nardos Coffee Exp. P.O.Box 2577 A
Nash Trading Plc
Nash Trading Plc
Nasir Kalil Oil Seeds And Pulses
Nasir Kalil Oil Seeds & Pulses Exp.
Nati Coffee And Spice Plc
Nati Coffee & Spices Plc
Nati Coffee & Spices Plc
Nati Coffee & Spices Plc
National Alcohol And Liquor Facto
National Oil Ethiopia Plc (Noc)
National Services
National Veterinary Institute
Natural Gum Processing And Marketin
Nature Bio Trading Plc
Nature Bio Trading Plc
Naulgeneral Business Plc
Navxos Agro Imp. & Exp. Llc Uzbekistan
Nayu International Trading Plc.
Nazareth Garment Share Co.
Nazo Pvt., Ltd. Co.
Nedschroef Fasteners (Ecb4 A)
Nefas Silk Lafto Subcity
Nefas Silk Paints Factory Plc
Nefas Silk Paints Factory Plc
Nefas Silk Paints Factory Plc
Nefas Silk Paints Factory Plc
Nefas Silk Paints Factory Plc
Nefas Silk Paints Factory Plc
Nefas Silk Paints Factory Plc
Nefas Silk Paints Factory Plc.
Negadras General Trading Co.
Negadras General Trading Co. Bole Road Addis
Negadras General Trading Co. Exp. Imp. And
Negadras General Trading Co. Pl
Negadras General Trading Co. (Plc)
Negadras General Trading Co. Plc
Negadras General Trading P L C
Neja Fadil Resshid Coffee Supplier
Nejsem Trading Plc
Nestle Waters Canada
Nest Organic Exp.
Neteta Agricultural And Factory Pro
Netsanet Liben Wako Synergos
Ne Tsa Plc
Ne Tsa Plc
Ne Tsa Plc
Ne Tsa Pvt., Ltd. Co.
Net Ways International P.L.C.
Newbridge Garment Ethiopia Plc
New Flower General Trading Plc
Newrich Co., Ltd.
New Rich Co., Ltd.
New Visions Synergy Plc
New Wave Industries Plc
New Wave Industries P L C
New Wave Industries P L C
New Wave Industries P.L.C.
New Wide Garment
New Wide Garment (Ethiopia Branch)
New Wing Addis Shoe Factiry
New Wing Addis Shoe Factiry
New Wing Addis Shoe Factory Plc
Next Llc
Nhha Trading Plc
Nhurhusen Adem Whole Sale Cereals T
Niazi Trading
Nigatu Wese Coffee Exporter
Nigusse Gemeda Mude
Nigus Tadesse Thewodros Exporter
Nika Pharm Llc
Nika Pharm Llc.
Nile Co. For Food Industries
Nile Highland Arabica Coffee Farmer
Nile Source Plc.
Nine Brothers Trading Plc
Ningbo Topkim Imp. & Exp.
Ning Yuan Exported Imported Co., Ltd.
Ninja Foodstuff Llc
Nisa Shipping Line
Niva Plc
Niyat Food Production Plc
Niyo Polymers Mfg. Plc
N&N Garment Factory Plc Addis Aba
Noh General Trading
Non General Trading
Norc Agro And Industrial Complex Plc
Nordic Approach
Nordic Approach As
Nordic Approach As
Nordic Approach As
Nordic Paper Seffle Ab
Novas Star
Nova Star
Novastar Garment Co.
Nova Star Garment Factory Plc
N Tec Corp.
Ntercab Kablo Sanay Ve Di T Caret L M Ted Rket
Nual General Business Plc
Nual General Business Plc
Nual General Business Plc
Nual General Business Plc
Nual General Business Plc
Nual General Business Plc
Nual General Business Plc
Nub International For Integrated Solutio
Nunhems Ethiopia Plc
Nunhems Ethiopia Plc
Nunhems Ethiopia Plc
Nurhusen Adem Whole Sale Cerea
Nurlign Awoke Degneh Addis Ababa
Nurlign Awoke Degneh Sameul Desesa Building Floor
Oasis Abyssinia Garment Plc.
Oboleyan Coffee Exporter
Oboleyan Coffee Exp. Plc
Oboleyan Coffee Exp. Plc
Oboleyan Coffee Exp. Plc
Oboleyan Coffee Exp. Plc
Ocard Llc
Ocean Air Internation
Ocean Cheer Co., Ltd.
Ocean Choice International (2005)
Octal S.A.O.C Fzc
Odak Tekstil Pazarlama Sanayi Ve Ticaret Ltd.Sti.
Odak Tekstil Pazarlama San Ve Tic Ltd. Sti
Oec Group New York C/O
Offecct Ab
Oggi Shoes Techinque Ind. Ltd.
Oggi Shoes Technique Ind Ltd.
Olam International Ltd.
Olira Agro
Olira Agro Industries
Olira Agro Industries Plc
Olira Agro Industries Plc
Olira Agro Industries Plc. P.O.Box
Olira Agro Industry Plc
Olkai Coffee Exp.
Olkai Coffee Exp.
Omad Azimsher Fayz Llc
Omad Azimsher Fayz Llc
Oman Air (Care Of)
Omer Shifere Minerals Exporter
Ontex Hygienic Dispensable Plc
Ooo Dsm International
Ooo Medlife Pharm
Opendoor Trading Plc
Operadora Del Sur S.A De C.V.
Ophthalmologist Society Of Ethiopia
Optics Group Firm
Orbis Trading & Technical Cent
Orbis Trading & Technical Center S.C
Orbit Ethiopia Plc
Orbit Ethiopia Plc
Orchid Business Group Plc
Orchid Business Group Plc Addis A
Orex Intertrade Ltd.
Orex Intertrade Ltd. Liability Co.
Orient Palace
Originland General Trading Plc
Ormazabal International Bussines
Oromia Agricultural Cooperative Federation Ltd.
Oromia Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union/OCFCU/Ltd
Oromia Forest & Wild Life Enterpr
Oromia Forest & Wildlife Enterprise
Oryx International Plc
Oryx International Plc
Oryx International Plc
Oryx International Plc. 27484 1000
Osaka Steel Plc
Osaka Steel Plc
Osaka Steel Pvt., Ltd. Co.
Osma Investment Plc
Osma Investment Plc. P.O.Box 20298
Osraketar Trading Plc
Osvald Trading Plc
Ottica Ltd.
Ottimo Co., Ltd.
Pacific Link International
Packford International
Packford International Plc
Packtra Plc
Pacorini Silocaf Srltriesteitaly
Pactzion Trading Plc
Pagoda International Footwear
Pagoda International Footwear Macao
Pagoda International Footwear (Macao Commercial Offshore) Ltd.
Pagrik Ethiopia Plc
Pagrik Ethiopia Plc
Pak And Canada Trading Llc
Pakon Tarim Urunleri Ve Gida Maddeleri Ithalat Ve
Pakon Tar.Urun.Ve Gid.Mad.Ith.Ihr. Ltd.Sti.
Pan African Veterinary Vaccine Cent
Panafric Global
Panafric Global
Panafric Global
Panafric Global
Panafric Global
Panafric Global Indochine Apparal Plc ( )
Panafric Global Kazanchis Tito
Panafric Global Plc
Panalpina On Be Healf
Panama Imp. & Exp. . Plc
Panasonic Appliances Refrigeratio
Panofi Co., Ltd.
Paracha Traders
Parfumerie Tiki
Pargan Singapore Pte
Pargan Singapore Pte., Ltd.
Pargan Singapore Pte., Ltd.
Passion General Trading & Industries
Patex Enterprise
Patharaketiya Cinnamon Estates
Paul Ries & Sons (Eth) Ltd. Plc
Pave Logistics And Trading Plc
Pave Logistics And Trading Plc.
Peacock Overseas
Pelican General Trading Plc
Pergament Quality Exclusive Llc
Peters Commodities Ltd.
Peters Commodities Ltd.
Peters Commodities (Pty) Ltd.
Pharma Birbir Plc
Philco Exp.
Phillip Commodities Pte
Phision General Trading Enterprise
Phison General Trading Enterprise
Phoenician Arts
Phoenix Shipping L.L.C
Pisec Group Austria GmbH
Pittards Oplc Sherbirne
Pittards Plc
Pittards Products Manifacturing S.C
Pittards Products Mfg. S.C
Pkt Associates Inc. Et
Plexus Mfg. Sdn Bhd
Poly Gcl Petroleum Investments Ltd.
Polynesia Line
Power Coffee Trading Plc
Prakash Chemicals International
Pramukh Agro Industries Plc
Praxis International Business Plc
Premier Global Linkers. Kashfia Pl
Premium Engineering Plc
Premium Leather Llc
Premium Solutions B.V.
Priest Tsige Ayele Asfe Gemstone Exp.
Primrose Serivce Provider Plc
Primrose Serivce Provider Plc
Primrose Service Provider Plc
Primrose Service Provider Plc
Primrose Service Provider Plc
Primrose Services
Primrose Sp Plc
Primrose S.P Plc (Coffee Exp.)
Primrose Sp Plc Po Box 19222
Primrose Sp Plc Po Box 19222 Addis
Private Co. Muxammadiyor
Project Origin (Pty) Ltd.
PT Aneka Bumi Pratama
PT Bhineka
PT Chentex Garment
PT Ciba Batam
PT Cladtek Bi Metal Mfg
PT Fdk Indonesia
PT Hevea Mk
PT Integra Indocabinet
PT Nittoh Batam
PT Pabrik Kertas Tjiwi Kimia Tbk
PT Pabrik Kertas Tjiwi Kimia Tbk
PT Pabrik Kertas Tjiwi Kimia Tbk.
PT Pan Brothers Tbk
PT Profab Indonesia
PT Sekar Bumi Tbk
PT . Suzuki Indomobil Motor
Public Procurment Service
Pungkook Ethiopia Bag
Pungkook Ethiopia Bag
Pungkook Ethiopia Bag
Pungkook Ethiopia Bag Mfg.
Pungkook Ethiopia Bag Mfg. Plc
Pungkook Ethiopia Bag Mfg. Plc
Pungkookethiopia Manfuring
Punto Fa Sl
Punto Fa S L
Punto Fa S.L. 948 B
Pvh Arvind Mfg. Plc
Pvh Arvind Mfg. Plc Shed 1
Pvh Arvind Mfg. Plc Shed 1
Pyramid Freight And Trade Ltd.
Qine Trading Plc
Qine Trading Plc
Qine Trading Plc
Qine Trading Plc.
Qine Trading Plc.
Qine Trading Plc.
Qine Trading Plc Addis Ababa Ethiopia
Qine Trading Plc P.O.Box 14745 Addi
Quarit Agro Industry P.L.C. P.O.Box
Qudwa Business Plc
Qurilish Technika Llc
Rada Coffee Development Plc
Radar Business Plc
Radar Business Plc P.O.Box.21911 10
Rados Business Group Plc
Raey Trading Plc
Raj Agro Industries P.L.C Ethiopia
Raj Carbons
Raji Green Farming Trading Plc
Raj Star General Trading L.L.C
Ramex Trading Dmcc
Rana Kalid Exp. & Imp.
R And A Trading Plc
Ranfer Teas Kenya Ltd.
Raras Technologies Plc
Rasheed & Co.
Rashwell Co. Llc
Real Teff Exporter
Real Teff Exporter
Redawa Motors Industry Plc
Red Fox Business Plc
Red Fox Ehtiopia Plc
Red Fox Ethiopia Plc
Red Fox Ethiopia Plc
Red Fox Ethiopia Plc
Red Fox Ethiopia Plc
Red Fox Ethiopia Plc.
Red Fox Ethipia Plc
Redrock Trading Plc.
Refaba Llc
Revent International Ab
Reynaers Aluminium NV
Rfg Manufactures Of Souvenirs
Rfg Trading FZE
Rib Industrial And Commercial Plc Addis Ababa Eth
Rib Industrial And Commercial Plc P
Rib Industrial & Commercial Plc
Rib Industrial Commercial Plc
Riccoffee (Uk) Ltd.
Rich Land Biochemical Production Pl
Rich Land Biochmical Prodcution Plc
Ricoh Latin America Inc.
Ricoh South America Distribution Center S.A.
Riders Trading And Mfg. Sc
Rimon General Trading Plc For Acc
Rimtex Central Asia Jv Llc
Rixos Trading Plc
Rixos Trading Plc
Rixos Trading Plc
Rixos Trading Plc
Rixos Trading Plc
Rixos Trading Plc
Rixos Trading Plc Adroit Overseas Pte., Ltd.
Riyagi For Investment Co. Ltdhouse
R.K.A.D International Trading Plc.
Rk Stratman
Rk Stratman Inc.
Rmtiti Coffee Producers And Exporte
Road Map Trading
Roba And Family Eshet Pulp
Robel Mulu Imp. Exp. Trading
Robel Mulu Imp. Exp. Trading
Robera Coffee Exporter Plc P.O.Bo
Robera Plc
Robera Pvt., Ltd. Co.
Rodas Gemstones Jewelry And Art Plc
Roha Pack Plc.
Roman Girma Mulugeta Gemstone Exporter
Romel Electrical Mfg. P.L.
Romel General Trading Plc
Romel General Trading Plc
Romel General Trading Plc
Romina Plc
Rong Chang Mfg. Plc Tin 0042030762 Add
Root Gemstones Exp. Plc
Roots Coffee Trading Plc Addis Ab
Roots Gemstones Exp. Plc
Roots Gemstones Exp. Plc
Rothenberger S A
Royal Purple Roastry Llc
Royal Roots Goods Wholesalers Llc
Royal Roots Goods Wholesalers L.L.C
Royal Specialized Dental Clinic
Roza Defo Tura Dello Coffee Exp.
Roza Defo Tura Impoter
R S T Goods Trading Llc Abu Baker A
Rubbies International Corp. 1 F No.355
Rukiya Mahmed Imp. & Exp.
Rupesh Kumar & Brothers
Rupshri Trading Plc
Rupshri Trading Plc
Rupshri Trading Plc
Rupshri Trading Plc
Rupshri Trading Plc.
Rupshri Trading Plc.
Rupshri Trading Plc.
Rupshri Trading Plc Addis Ababa Ethiopia On A C
Saba Dimensional Stones Plc
S.A Bagersh Plc
S. A. Bagersh PLC
S.A. Bagersh Plc P.O.Box 1269 Addis
Saba International Shipping Plc
Sabic Po Box 59090 Riyadh 11525
Saddle Engineering Plc
Said Adem Bedane Commodity Trade Pl
Said Jemal Rahmato Plc
Salasar Compounds Plc
Salasar Compounds Plc
Salem S. Bin Mahfooz Trading Est
Salini Construttori SpA
Salini Costruttori SpA P.O.Box 10
Samancor Marketing Pte., Ltd.
Sami Imp. Exp. Phone No 25111
Sammakka Stones Plc
Sammakka Stones Plc
Sammakka Stones Plc.
Samrawait Gimay Tosew Gemstone
Samuel Kumsa W Amlak Exp. Bole Ki
Samuel Lemma Imp. & Exp.
Sandalj Trading Co. SpA
S And B Trading Plc Bole K. Kworeda 10 House
Sankam International
Saro Trading Plc
Sarus Biznes Servis
Saudi Red Bricks Co. Kilo 35
S B Mfg. Plc
Sbt Comercial Offshore De Macau Limitada
Schaeffer Automotive Aftermarket
Schenker Ab
Scientific Molding Corp.
Scotia Bank
S. D. Enterprises
Sea Air Transport Links
Sebat Wullo Trading Plc
Sebat Wullo Trading Plc
Sebat Wullo Trading Plc Addis Ababa Yeka Sub City
Seble Habtamu Imp. & Exp.
Seble Habtamu Imp. & Exp.
Seble Habtamu Imp. & Exp. .
Seble Habtamu Imp. & Exp. .
Seblewongel Darge Precious Exp.
Segel General Trading Plc
Segon International Movers Plc
Segon Marill International
Segon Marill International Movers
Segon Marill International Movers
Segon Marill International Movers P
Segon Marill International Movers Plc
Seid Endres Muhammed (Sem) Imp. A
Seido International Trading Coffe
Seid Yassin Ali Coffee Exp. Enter
Seid Yassin P.L.C Sub City Kirkos
Selamel Imp. & Exp. Plc
Selet Hulling Plc
Selet Hulling Plc
Semachew Demissie Investment Plc.
Semachew Muluneh Terefe Exporter
Senbequma Trading Plc
Senbequma Trading Plc
Sertan Gida Pazarlama Sanayi Ve Ticaret Ltd. Sirketi
Sesame Tah Na Kft
Sethi1996 Engineering Equipment
Setit Trading Plc
Setit Trading Plc
Sets General Trading Plc
Sets General Trading Plc
Sets General Trading Plcaddis Ababa Ethiopia
Sets General Trading Plc Bole Sub
Sets General Trading Plc P.O.Box
Seven Plus Imp. & Exp.
Seven Puls Imp. & Exp.
Seven Resources Mineral Exp. Plc.
Seven Seventy Agro Imp. & Exp.
Sg Avemas Imp. & Exp. . Plc
Shada Coffee And Spices Plantation
Shafi Ibrahim Food Stuff Trading Llc
Shakab Imp. Exp. Co., Ltd.
Shakab Imp. Exp. Co., Ltd.
Shakab Imp. & Exp. . Ltd.
Shandong Liaocheng E Hua Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Shandong Wendi Food
Shangcheng Wearing
Shangcheng Wearing Apparel Mfg.
Shangcheng Wearing Apparel. Mfg.
Shangtex Garment Mfg. Ethi
Shanti Overseas Pte
Shayashone Trading Plc
Shayashone Trading Plc
Shayashone Trading Plc
Shayashone Trading Plc Bole Road
Shaya Shone Trading Pvt., Ltd.
Sheba Exp.
Sheba Industries Plc
Sheba Industries Plc
Sheba Industries PLC
Sheba Industries Plc Gonder
Sheba Leather Industries P.L.C
Sheba Leather Industry Plc
Sheba Leather Industry Plc
Sheen Bridge Management Ltd.
Shenzhen Yunhengtai Technology Trade Co., Ltd.
Shiferaw Jigso Beraso
Shikudad General
Shikudad General Trading Plc
Shikudad General Trading Plc
Shikudad General Trading Plc
Shikudad General Trading Plc
Shikudad General Trading P L C
Shikudad General Trading P.L.C
Shimeket Daba Mumecha
Shimeket Daba Mumecha Coffee Grower
Shimekit Dabab Mumicha Coffee Exp.
Shimekit Daba Mumicha Coffee Produc
Shin Textile Solutions Co., Ltd.
Shints Etp Garment Plc
Shints Etp Garment Plc
Shipper Hadeed Trading Plc Nifas S
Shi Ting International Investment. Ltd.
Shochoch Trading Plc
Shoe Terms Corporation
Shonora Trading Plc
Shonora Trading Plc Nifas Silk L
Shore Ourago Small Scale Farmer Exp.
Shukudad General Trading Plc
Sibu Coffee Exporter P.L.C
Sibu Trading Plc
Sibu Trading P.L.C Lafto Sub City
Sibu Trading P.L.C Nifas Silk Laf
Sibu Trading P.L.C South Africa St
Sichuan Silk Imp. & Exp. Corp.
Sidama Coffee Farmers Cooperative
Sidama Coffee Farmers Cooperative
Sigma Mobility General Trading Llc
Siluh Trading Plc
Silver Spark App
Silver Spark Apparel
Silver Spark Apparel Ethiopia Plc
Silver Spark Apparel Ethiopia Plc
Silver Spark Apparel Ethiopia Plc
Silver Spark Apparel Ethiopia Plc Shed No. 17 18 & 19 Hawassa Industries
Silver Town Foodstuff Trading Llc
Silver Town Foodstuff Trading Llc
Silvsar Trading Plc
Simfresh (Pty) Ltd.
Sinews Business Plc
Sinopia Imp. & Exp. . Plc
Sinopia Imp. & Exp. . Plc Right
Sintayehu Belay
Siraw Wosen Alamineh. Addis Ababa Ethiopia
Sirdarya Beans Exp. Llc
Sisay Gidey General Exporter
Sisay Gidey Imp. & Exp.
Siweta Imp. Exp.
Siweta Imp. & Exp. . Trading Plc
Siweta Imp. & Exp. Trading Plc Addis Ababa E
Siyob Shavkat Orzu F.E
Siz Agro Plc
Siz Agro Plc Hmm Tower
Skema Holdings T A
Ske Midwestern Inc.
Skeppsta Maskin Ab
Slb Coffee Trading Plc
Slb Trading Plc
Slb Trading Plc Ne
Slb Trading Plc Nefas Silk Lafto Ki
Slope P.L.C.
Smart Business Group P.L.C.
Smart Shirt Mfg. Plc
Smd Trading Plc
Smm Imp. & Exp. .
Sms Plc
Sms Plc Nifas Silk Lafto W
Sms Plc P.O.Box 112
Sms Plc P.O.Box112 Addis
Sms Plc P.O.Box 112 Addis Ababa
S.M.S. Pvt., Ltd. Co.
Sms Pvt., Ltd. Co. P.O.B
Smurfit Kappa C D Haupt Papier & Pappenfabrik GmbH
Snap Specialty Coffee
Snap Tradgin And Industries Plc 12 Th
Snap Trading
Snap Trading And Industries 12 Th F
Snap Trading And Industries Plc
Snap Trading And Industries Plc 12 T
Snap Trading And Industries Plc 12 Th
Snap Trading And Industries Plc Af
Snap Trading And Industry Plc Airpo
Snap Trading And Indutry Plc
Soal Imp. & Exp. .
Soal Imp. & Exp. . Nudi Tower
Societe Belma
Societe Belma Bp4
Sofiya Yesuf Coffee Exporter
Solomon Getnet Chane
Solomon Zewdu Shipping And Freight
Solomon Zewdu Shipping & Freight Fo
Solyana Trading And Investment Plc
Solyana Trading And Investment Plc
Solyana Trading And Investment Plc Kirkos Subcity
Sommer SpA .
Sonoco Plastics Germany GmbH
Soreti International Trading
Soreti International Trading
Soreti International Trading
Soreti International Trading.
Soreti International Tradingaddis Ababa
Soreti International Trading Co.
Soreti International Trading Co.
Sorga Agro Industrial Complex P.L.C
Sor Gaba Farmers
Sor Geba Farmers Cooperative Unio
Sor Geba Farmers Coperative
Sornay Imp. & Exp. .
Sororo Imp. Exp. Plc
Source Teff Factory Plc
Source Teff Factory Plc
Source Teff Factory Plc
Souriish Marbles Plc
Souriish Marbles Plc Bole Woreda 13 House No
Southern Region Farmers
Southern Region Farmers Cooperative
Southern Region Farmers Cooperative
Southern Region Farmers Cooperative
Soyuzkhimtrans Int.
Spareto Ou
Spartan Modern Industries Co.
Speckled Imp. Addis Ababa Ethiopia
Spectrum Dry Fruits Llc
Spectrum Dry Fruits Llc
Spera Vacuum Equipment Pvt., Ltd.
Spinreact S.A.U.
Sri Bikaner Handicraft Exp.
S.Sara Coffee Exp. Enterprise
S.Sara Coffee (Sara Yimer)
Ssl International Fzc
Ssoe Kenya Ltd.
Stahl Europe BV
Stahl Europe BV
Stahl Europe BV
Starbucks Mfg. Emea BV
Steenland Chocolate B.V.
Stefanie Becker
Stella Footwear Co., Ltd.
Stella Footwear Co., Ltd.
Stellar Solutions Trading And Servi
Stellar Solutions Trading And Service Plc
Stellar Solution Trading Andservice
Strathmore Apparel Mfg. Pl
Strauss Commodities AG
Sucafina Australia (Pty) Ltd.
Sucafina HK Ltd.
Sucafina SA
Suleman Fabrics
Suma Trading P L C
Sumbiri Intimate Apparel Plc
Sumbiri Intimate Apparel Plc
Sumbiri Intimate App Arel Plc
Sumbiri Intimates Apparel Plc
Sumec Ethiopia Textile And
Sumec Ethiopia Textile And Garments
Sumec Ethiopia Textile And Garments
Sumitiomo Corporation
Sumshan Coffee Development Plc.
Sundas General Trading L.L.C
Sunlight Mood Trading P L C
Sunlight Moon Trading Plc
Sunny Steel Pipe Mfg. Plc Snap Plaza
Sun Palace Trading Ltd.
Sunsewa General Construction
Sunsewa General Construction Busines
Sunsewa Plc
Super Gems Trading Plc
Surafel Workneh Imp.
Surafel Workneh Imp. & Exp.
Sutuna Trading Plc Bole
Syngenta Seeds B.V.
Taal Trading Plc
Tacfarm Agro Processing
Tade Gg
Tade Gg High Land
Tade Gg Highland Forest Coffee
Tade Gg Kera
Tadele Bitew Kassa Exp.
Tadese Desta Imp. & Exp. .
Tadessa Desta Imp. & Exp. .
Tadesse Desta Imp. & Exp.
Tadesse Desta Imp. & Exp.
Tadesse Desta Imp. & Exp. .
Tadesse Desta Imp. Exp. Kirkos
Tadesse Desta Importer
Tadesse Desta Importer And Exporter
Tadesse Kifle Exp. And Imp.
Tadesse Kifle Gemstones Exp.
Tadesse Kifle G/Mariam Gemstones Exp.
Tadess Kifle G Mariam Gem Stone Exporter
Tadi Coffee Exp. Ahmed Ali Omer
Tadi Coffee Exp. Ahmed Ali Omer
Tady Imp. & Exp.
Tafdag Industrial And Trading Plc
Tafdag Industries And Trading Plc
Tafdag Industries And Trading Plc
Tafi Trading Plc Kirkose Subcity Woreda 03 Offi
Tagrow Business Plc
Tagrow Business Plc
Taicang City Xinwanli Textileco. Ltd.
Tair Shinn Enterprise Co., Ltd.
Taiwan K K Corp.
Taj Trading Plc
Taj Trading Plc
Taj Trading Plc
Tal Apparel Ltd.
Tal Apparel Ltd. Adm
Tal Garment Mfg. Plc
Tal Garments Mfg. Plc
Tal Garments Mfg. Plc.
Tal Garments Mfg. Plc.
Tal Garments Mfg. Plc.
Tami International Plc
Tamrin International Trading Plc
Tanco International (97) Ltd.
Tariku Kare Coffee Exp.
Tarimex Ic Ve Dis Ticaret A.S.
Tariq International
Tasek Corp. Berhad
Tavois Agromir Eksport Llc
Taza Private Ltd. Co.
Taz International Llc
Techenergo Engineering Services
Tega And Tula Coffee Farm
Tega And Tula Coffee Farm
Tega And Tula Coffee Farm Agro In
Tega And Tula Coffee Farm Agro In
Tega And Tula Special Coffee Farm
Tega & Tula Coffee Farm Agro Indust
Tegenge Ocholo Small Scale Farmer E
Teji International Plc
Tekle Tikue Imp. & Exp. . Co.
Tekle Tsehaye Souvenir Seller And Exporter
Tek Pak Indonesia
Tele Fonika Kable S.A.
Temesgen Retebo Integrated Farm
Temesgen Retebo Integrated Farm
Temesgen Wube Melaku Imp. And Exportbolesub Ci
Temesgen Wube Melaku Imp. & Exp.
Temesgen Wube Melaku Imp. & Exp.
Temesgen Wube Melaku Imp. & Exp. .
Temesgen Wube Melaku Imp. & Exp. .
Temesgen Wube Melaku Imp. & Exp. . Addis Ababa Ethiopia
Temesgen Wube Melaku Imp. & Exp. . Bole Wor
Tenacity Imp. & Exp. . Plc Lideta Sub City
Tenaw Alehegn Imp. & Exp.
Tenaw Alehegn Imp. & Exp. .
Tenaw Alehegn Imp. Exp.
Ten Gold Ltd.
Teppi Coffee Farmers Cooperative
Teppi Green Coffee
Teppi Green Coffee Estate S.C.
Tesfa Belay Imp. Exp.
Tesfa Belay Imp. Exp. Addis Ababa Ethiopia A
Tesfahun Tazebku Imp. & Exp. . Addis Ababa
Tesfamichael Girma Imp. Exp.
Tesfamichael Girma Imp. Exp.
Tesfawu Kelmu Imp. & Exp. .
Tesfaye Teshome Haile Imp. And Exportadamanaz
Tesfaye Teshome Haile Imp. And Exportadamanaz
Tesfay G.Mariam Gidey Coffee Exp.
Teshome Anteneh Alemneh General Exp.
Testi Trading Plc
Testi Trading Plc
Testi Trading Plc
Testi Trading Plc P.O.Box 22376 1
Testi Trading Priv
Testi Tranding Plc Testi Coffee
Tewolde Birhau Ethiopia
Tewolde Dirar Imp. Exp.
Tewomed Trading And Real
Tewomed Trading And Real Estate Plc
Tewomed Trading And Real Estate Plc
Tewomed Trading And Real Estate Plc
Tewomed Trading Plc
The 205
The 253
The Federal Democratic Republic
The Federal Democratic Republic Of
The Outnet.Com
Thermo Fam Trading Plc
Thermo Fam Trading Plc
The Serengeti Trading Co.
The Seven Coffee Oil Seeds & Puls
The Sun Trading Plc
The William Carter Co.
The William Carter Co.
Thien An Hy Imp. Exp. Co., Ltd.
Thousand Miles Maketing Plc
Three Y Flexible Packaging Plc
Tht Trading Plc Lideta Dama House
Tigest Tadese G Mariam
Tigiste Waqo Wenago Wereda Coffee F
Tigist Wondaferash Mulatu Exporter
Tigist Wondafrash Mulatu Imp. Exp.
Tikur Abay Shoe Share Co.
Tikur Abbay Shoes S. Co.
Tilahun Belay Bezabih Addis Ababa Ethiopia.
Tilahun Mesafint General
Tilahun Mesafint General Imp.
Tilaye Nigussie Imp. & Exp. .
Tinaw Business S.C
Tinaw Business Share Co.
Tiruye Minywab Chekole
Tizazu Mihretie Fentie
Tizazu Mihretie Fentie
Tizazu Mihretie Fentie Gemstone Exp.
Tmcl Container Line
Tnzit Trade And Industry Plc
Too Belwood Kz
Tootsi Imp. & Exp. Inc.
Top New Apparel Mfg Plc
Topsun Trading And Mfg. Plc
Torban Anfillo Farmers Coo
Torban Anfillo Multipurpose Farme
Torq Commodities AG
Towe Amaro Coffee Exp.
Townstar Ltd.
Tracon Trading
Tracon Trading
Tracon Trading Plc
Tracon Trading P.L.C.
Tracon Trading Plc.Cherchil Avenue
Tracon Trading Plc Church
Tracon Trading Plc Churchel Road
Tracon Trading Plc Leila Building U
Tracon Trading P L C P O
Tracon Trading Plc .P.O Box
Tracon Trading Plc P.O.Box 50721
Tracon Trading P.L.C. P.O.Box 50721
Tracon Trading Plc Sebeta City Ad
Tracon Trading Plc Sebeta City Adm
Tracon Trading Plc Sebeta Zone Wore
Tracon Trading Plc Tracon Tower
Tracon Trading Plc Tracon Tower 5
Tradepath Int.Pvt. Ltd.
Tradepath Int. Pvt., Ltd.Co.
Trangoworld S.A.
Trans Atlantic Trading Co., Ltd.
Transporturi Mixte Abc European
Trhas Haile Belay Gemstones Exp.
Trhas Haile Belay Gemstones Exp.
Trhas Haile Belay Gemstones Exp.
Trimark Sportswear/Pcna.
Tropical Pharma Trading
Tropical Pharma Trading/ Asfaw
Tropical Pharma Trading Bole Subcity Wereda 4 H
Trust Imp. & Exp. .
Trust Imp. & Exp. .
Trust Imp. Exp.
Trust Imp. Exp.
Trust Imp. & Exp. . Addis Ababa Ethiopia
Trust Imp. & Exp. . Fasika Hail
Trutzschler Group Se. Duvenstrasse
Trybus Bridegetex
Trybus Bridegetex Ethiopia Plc
Trybus Bridgetex Ethiopia Plc
Trybus Bridgetex Ethiopia Plc
Trybus Group
Tsegaya Maka Gedo Zone Coffee Farme
Tsegaye Tekebo Urago Coffe
Tsegaye Tekebo Urago Coffee Exp.
Tsegereda Asgedom Exp. And Imp.
Tsehay Feleke And Family Trading Pl
Tsehay Feleke And Family Trading Plc
Tsehay Feleke And Family Trading Plc
Tsehay Feleke And Family Trading Plc
Tsehay Feleke & Family Trading Plc
Tsehay Feleke & Family Trading Plc
Tsehay Feleke & Family Trading Plc
Tsehay Industry Share Co. Addis Ababa
Tsehay Industry Share Co. Kalit
Tsehay Multipurpose Farmers
Tsemex Global Enterprise Plc Dire Dewa City Dire
Tsige Getachew Aschenaki General Ex
Tsigereda Abebe Abay (Norsk Exp.)
TSM Commission Agent
Ttk Plc
Ture Teff
Tyh Foods Plc
T Y H Foods Plc
Uae Exchange Centre Llc
Uae Exchange Llc
Ucc Coffee Trading Pte
Ulkan Laziz Llc
Ulkan Laziz Llc
Ultra Global Trading Addis Ababa
Umar Textiles
Unilever Djibouti Ltd. Fzco
Unilever Ethiopia Mfg. Plc
Unilever Mfg. Plc
Unilever Mfg. Plc
Unilever Mfg. Plc
Unilever Mfg. Plc Wereda 8 Kirkos Su
Unique Wholse And Retail Trading
United Packers
United Packers Movers
United Vance Leather
United Vasin Leather Plc Dibandiba
United Vasn Leather
United Vasn Leather
United Vasn Leather
United Vasn Leather Plc
United Vasn Leather Plc
United Vasn Leather Plc
United Vasn Leather Plc
United Vasn Leather Plc
United Vasn Leather Plc Dibandiba Kebele
Universal Resources (HK) Co., Ltd.
University Of Gondar Hospital
Urana W.S.S And W.P Exp. Plc
Usaid Ethiopia
US Embassy
US Embassy Addis Ababa
US Embassy Addis Ababa Entoto Stree
Uzgermed Pharm Llc Jv
Vainilla Cloth Store
Valle Verde Foods Plc
Van Rees Kenya Ltd.
Vard Singapore Pte., Ltd.
Veer General Trading P.L.C
Vektan Trading Llc
Vektan Trading Llc
Velocity Apparelz Companies Plc
Velocity Apparelz Companies Plc
Vestis Garment
Vestis Garment Production Plc
Vestis Garment Production Plc
Vestis Garment Production Plc
Vicktoria Safran
Victors Group (China) Ltd.
Victor Synergy Ltd.
Victory International Asia Ltd.
Vidya Global Biz Dmcc
Volcafe Pte., Ltd.
V.P.S.A Paramasiva Nadar & Co.
V Win Trading Ltd.
Vyacheslav Son
Wabe Lalo Imp. & Exp. .
Wagnew Mekonnen Kassa Exp.
Wagnew Mekonnen Kassa Imp. & Exp. . Addis
Wahid Teklu Tel 251 115 152779
Wainam Wan Eastern
Walia Steel
Walia Steel Industries Plc
Walia Steel Industries Plc Keble 02
Walia Steel Industry Plc
Walid Rashid Ltd.
Wallia Leather & Leather Products
Wan Way Textile And Garment Mfg.
Wan Way Textile And Garment Mfg.
W.A. Oil Factory Distributor Plc
Warka Trading House Plc
Warka Trading House Plc
Warka Trading House Plc P.O.Box 196
Watto Coffee Development Plc
Wayu Plc
Wealthy International Co., Ltd.
Wejiz Engineering Plc
Welaga Trading Plc
Welaga Trading Plc
Welasha Trading Plc
Weldeyesus Business
Weldeyesus Business Plc
Welensu Jimate Coffee Exp. Plc
Welichu Wachu Industries
Welichu Wachu Industries Plc Akaki K
Welma Trading Plc
Welmenz Business Group Plc
Welmenz Trading Plc
Welmenz Trading Plc
Welmenz Trading Plc
Welmenz Trading Plc
Welmenz Trading Plc
Wereta International Business Plc
West Coast Aviation Shannon Ltd.
Weta Ambela Coffee Exporte
Wete Ambela Coffee Exporter Plc
Wete Ambela Coffee Exp. Plc
Weynut Trading Plc
Wh Mn Trading And Industry Plc
Wilcom Trading Plc
Wilcom Trading Plc
Wilcom Trading Plc
Winge Mobler A S
Wing Fai Paper Box Co. Block
Wing Lee Trading (China) Co., Ltd.
Wish Trading Private Ltd. Co. Addis Abab
Wl Imp. & Exp.
Wmg Biomedical Eng Exp.
Wmg Biomedical Engineering And Gem
Wmg Biomedical Engineering Plc
Wm Wrapping Machinery SA
Woinu Curtain Trade
Wonberta General Imp. & Exort P.L
Wonberta General Imp. & Exp. .
Wonberta General Imp. Exp. Plc
Wondimu Unu Small Scale Coffee Farm
Wondimu Unu Small Scale Coffee Prod
Wondo Trading And Investment Ltd. Co.
Wondo Trading And Investment Plc
Wondo Trading Plc
Wondo Trading PLC
Wondo Tradingpvt Co.
Wondo Trading Pvt., Ltd. Co.P.O.Box
Wondwosen Alemu Tadesse
Wondwosen Gizaw Worgessa
Wondwossen Bayu Exp.
Wondwossen Bayu Exp. .
Wongel General Trade Plc
Worked Imp. & Exp. Plc
Worku Buche Gata Coffee Exporter
Worku Tibebu Mekonnen
Worldwide Petrochem FZE
Woyebe Minche Imp. & Exp.
Woyebe Minche Imp. & Exp. . Plc
Woyebe Minche Imp. & Exp. . Plc
Woyebe Minch Imp. & Exp. .
Wrt World Enterprises
Wubet Nega Belay Addis Ababa Ethiopia Jointly
Wuxi Ygm Textile Co., Ltd.
Wuzhen Miao Textile Factory
Xiamen Cenice International Trade
Xiamen Foreign Trade
Xiamen Huamin Imp.& Exp. Co., Ltd.
Xingkai Sports
Xixia Automobile Water Pump
Yaaqoub Hamdan Foodstuff Trading Co.
Yahia SA
Yahile Trading Plc
Yalback Ranch & Cattle Corp.
Yamaha Trading Plc
Yamaha Treading Plc
Yanet Industrial Plc
Yapi Merkezi Insaat Ve Sanayi A.S.
Yaregale Dereje Zerihun Exporter Addis Ababa Et
Yasmina Tayorlor Savdo Llc
Yasmin Coffee Plantation Plc
Y A Y E Coffee Trading L.L.C
Yayo Plc
Yd Imp. & Exp. . Plc
Yd Imp. & Exp. . Plc
Yd Imp. Exp. Plc
Yeab General Trading FZE
Yeab General Trading Fze9
Yeabzer Esayas Trading Plc
Yedesta Buna Trading Plc
Yediabi Imp. Exp.
Yediabi Imp. Exp.
Yediabi Imp. Exp.
Yediabi Imp. Exp. P.O.Box 18392
Yediabi Imp. Exp. P. O. Box 183921 Addis Ababa
Yegenet Plc
Yegenet Plc P.O.Box 13499
Yegenet Pvt., Ltd. Co.
Yelkal Yenesewe Exp.
Yemekel General Trading Plc
Yemekel General Trading Plc
Yemekel General Trading Plc
Yemiru Hailemariam Belete Addis Ababa Ethiopia
Yemiru Hailemariam Imp. Exp.
Yemsrach Teshome Imp. Exp.
Yenenesh Sofa And Friends House Mad
Yeromnesh Afework Mengistu
Yeromnesh Afework Mengistu
Yeromnesh Afework Mengistu
Yesdeta Buna Trading Plc
Yesea Imp. & Exp. .
Yeshambel Mengesha Imp. & Exp. .
Yeshambel Mengesha Imp. & Exp. .
Yeshambel Mengesha Imp. & Exp. .
Yeshambel Mengesha Leyhe Addis Ababa Ethiopia.
Yeshim Imp. & Exp. . Plc
Yeshim Imp. Exp. Plc
Yetem Trading P.L.C
Yeti Agro Forestry Plc
Ygk Food
Y G K Food
Yhaenu Plc
Yhaenu Plc
Yhaenu Plc Bole Medehanialem
Yhaenu Plc Bole Medhanialem Selam City Mall
Yhaenu Plc Bole Road Cameroon St
Yhaenu P.L.C P.O.Box 1778 1250
Yhaenu Pvt., Ltd. Co.
Yibeltal Getachew Imp. & Exp. .
Yibeltal Getahun Birhan Imp. And
Yihonal Trading Plc
Yihunta Trading Plc
Yilkal Yenesew Zeleke
Yilkal Yenesew Zeleke Imp. & Exp.
Yilkal Yenesew Zeleke Imp. & Exp.
Yirgacheffe Coffee Farmers Cooperat
Yirgacheffe Coffee Farmers Cooperatives Union
Yirgalem Addis Textile Factory Plc
Yirga Mekonnen & Family Plc
Yirga Trading Plc
Yirga Trading Plc On Beahlf Of Ca
Yirga Trading Plc P.O Box 3448 On
Yitem Coffee Business Plc
Yiwu Jishun Imp. & Exp. .
Ykm Trading Plc
Ykm Trading Plc
Yohabi General Business Plc
Yohabi General Business Plc
Yohannes Zemichael Gebremariyamimport And Exp.
Yohannes Zemichael Imp. And Exporttel.
Yokef General Trading Plc
Yoliyana Pulses Oil Seeds Exp. Aka
Yonatan B.T Plc
Yonet Trading Plc.
Yonis Garment Plc
Yonis Garment Plc P.O. Box 1625
Yordanos Mihret Gemstone Exporter
Yordanos Mihret Gemston Exporter
Yordanos Mihret Gemston Exporter
Youbang Mfg. Shoes
Youngin Traders Pte
Young In Traders Pte., Ltd.
Yso Imp. & Exp.
Zablon Trading Plc
Zablon Trading Plc
Zablon Trading Plc
Zablon Trading Plc
Zablon Trading Plc
Zablon Trading Plc
Zablon Trading Plc
Zablon Trading Plc
Zablon Trading Plc
Zablon Trading Plc
Zablon Trading Plc
Zablon Trading Plc
Zablon Trading P L C
Zads Private Ltd. Co.
Zafarxon Llc
Zaf Pharmaceuticals Plc
Zaf Pharmaceuticals Plc
Zamzam And Family Imp. & Exp. . Trading
Zamzam And Family Imp. & Exp. . Trading
Zavery Agro Commodities (U) Ltd.
Zebad General Exp. And Imp. Plc
Zebidar Brewery S.Co.
Zege Pvt., Ltd. Co.
Zege Pvt., Ltd. Co.
Zege Pvt., Ltd. Co. P.O.
Zekarias Tekalign Bonsa Coffee Supp
Zekariya H Raboyee Turi Exporter Of Pulses & Oil
Zekulu Trading
Zelealem Eshetu Coffee Exporter
Zelealem Eshetu Coffee Exporter
Zelealem Eshetu Coffee Exporter
Zelelu Ararso
Zema Mining (Yosef Kiffle Alemu)
Zemans Network Imp. & Exp. Zemenu Yaregal
Zemen Ethiopia Imp. & Exp. .
Zemera Investment Group Plc Addis Ababa Ethiopia
Zemera Investment Group Plc Bole Medhanialem A
Zemera Trading
Zemesi Ethiopia Plc
Zena Fiseha Awassa Ethiopia Et
Zeneba Worqu Sayid Imp. & Exp. .
Zenebech Mesfin Eyesma P.O.Box.24
Zenit Gebs Eshet Ethiopia Plc
Zenith Gebs Eshet Ethiopia Ltd.
Zenith Gebs Eshet Ethiopia Ltd.
Zenith Gebs Eshet Eth. Ltd.
Zereyad Group Transit And Forward
Zereyad Group Transit And Forward
Zereyad Group Transit Forwarding
Zewdie Adego General Exp. Tradi
Zewdie Adego General Exp. Trading
Zewdie Adego General Exp. Trading (Zewdie Adego Haile)
Zewdu Adigoaychew Birue Gemstone Exporter
Zf Passive Safety Czech S.R.O.
Zhabts Health Service Plc
Zhxeng Fruit Co., Ltd.
Zicon Trading
Zicon Trading (Temesgen Assefa Bitew)
Ziyad Mohammed Trading Plc
Zln General Business Plc
Zobil Global Business P.O.Box
Zobi Trading Plc
Zoex Trading Plc
Z Tannery Ltd.
Zt General Trading One Member Plc